Apparently the belly and I were the feature presentation this weekend. I guess you could say we had our "debut". Before now, my weekend wardrobe consisted of a very loose T-shirt and some form of stretchy/sweat pants. Worked nicely, just gave me a sort of plump appearance, which I have started to reconcile with.
This weekend, was on a whole different scale. Literally. With the scale in my bathroom, tipping up daily, our journey from week 16 to week 17 was quite amusing! I wore for the first time...MATERNITY JEANS! 2 things, 1. why do regular jeans even have a waistband? I mean seriously, the elastic band is heaven, something I could have used way before now! The prego's have been holding out on us. 2. I owe a HUGE thank you to my mother, who has been so kind to her expanding daughter for the comfort I had all weekend in the elastic jeans :)
These maternity jeans, gave me a whole new appreciation for the term "Mom Jeans". They weren't anything special, although thanks again to grandma Machita, because she did get me some special jeans too, I just didn't happen to wear them to Dave & Busters where I was working this weekend. (Jealous, you didn't get to work at Dave & Busters on Saturday, ya, don't be). Anyway, me and my "Mom Jeans" had a fabulously comfortable morning. We stood, we sat, we did lots of things and I was oh so comfy!! I do have to interject and fill you in on a song my husband has for mom jeans, it goes something like this...."Mom Jeans, Mom Jeans" to the tune of "Footloose" I think (something from SNL I'm sure)....anyway he sang the mom jeans song, just joking of course, but I didn't CARE one bit! (P.S. he did tell me he liked the jeans, it was sweet of him to say, not sure how true, but sweet nonetheless).
Anyway....wore the mom jeans to work without a care in the world. Embracing the expansion! Until, as we were shopping along, minding our own business when a girl who was helping us asked me when I was due. I looked a little shocked at my husband, checking to see if she said what I thought she said. I have only had one other person I didn't know ask me when I was due before Saturday, so I am still a little surprised when I get the question. She was a little embarrassed and said, "you are pregnant, right?!?!" I regained composure and said, "oh ya, I am sorry"! Told her my due date, and thought that was the end. But no, I guess with the realization that I am officially showing, I also need to embrace the firestorm of comments that come with the belly! She unloaded on me, analyzing the belly, sizing up the belly, comparing the belly, then made sure to ask me "so are you having twins". LOL!!! "NO, no twins" I said through my laughter. Really, I just wanted to run out of there, but she just kept talking. Apparently, based on the size, roundness, position, and elevation of the belly, she has decided we are having a boy. It was truly comical!!
Moral of the story, baby dub and I are growing!!! So with the growth, I am embracing my mom jeans, getting more accustomed to answering the "when are you due" question, and bracing for ALL THE COMMENTS bystanders feel the need to share!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The gradual growth process baby dub and I are experiencing together is finally taking form...spherical form. My once flat abdomen now resembles something more equated to a small round object that shoots through a goal or a basket rather than any sort of washboard.
Striking, no doubt, even startling at times, but one that this mommy takes great joy in and is so excited to share! The progress was slow to start, our first signs of this new little life were something like this:
These first life signs took us by surprise and were met with a little anxiety, doubt (mainly on B-dubs part, apparently the 99.9% accuracy rate didn't have him quite convinced), overwhelming excitement, unmeasured gratefulness, and the instant urge to call my mother!
Our next progression was one that would change our world forever, the fist visible beating of that little heart is something that still takes my breath away. I can't say I was any sort of an expert, I in my state of shock/excitement pulled a Rachel (for those not in on the Friends lingo, the episode where she has here sonogram and cant see the baby is classic) and had to ask B-dub when the technician left the room if he could point baby dub out to me again. Have no fear! I finally saw with my own eyes the first glimpse of our little miracle, looking something like this:
Our next sign of progress was given to us a few weeks later, one doctor switch and a very anxious mommy made for an extra photo shoot of our little one. The progress was astounding!
From this point on, although I would LOVE, give anything for, and plan on bribing my doctor the next time I see him....did not so much require an special device to see! It quickly became pretty apparent that I too was making some progress.
Our photo attempts have not proven too successful. One hormonal wife and a very busy husband has sort of left our scheduled photo sessions in disarray! We do try and take one every few weeks, but with the 16 week marker on the forefront this week, I attempted to take matters into my own hands and came up with this:
So there you have it, our progress! Exciting and a little nerve racking all at the same time, we cant wait to see our little one again and are SO, SO excited to watch this belly take on a life of its own!
Striking, no doubt, even startling at times, but one that this mommy takes great joy in and is so excited to share! The progress was slow to start, our first signs of this new little life were something like this:
(sorry for the quality, in case you were wondering they all say pregnant)
Our next progression was one that would change our world forever, the fist visible beating of that little heart is something that still takes my breath away. I can't say I was any sort of an expert, I in my state of shock/excitement pulled a Rachel (for those not in on the Friends lingo, the episode where she has here sonogram and cant see the baby is classic) and had to ask B-dub when the technician left the room if he could point baby dub out to me again. Have no fear! I finally saw with my own eyes the first glimpse of our little miracle, looking something like this:
Sweet baby-dub. All snuggled up, ready for his/her big adventure. 7 weeks 1 day old here!
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Little squirm, looking so cute if I do say so myself ! 9 weeks 1 day old |
Our photo attempts have not proven too successful. One hormonal wife and a very busy husband has sort of left our scheduled photo sessions in disarray! We do try and take one every few weeks, but with the 16 week marker on the forefront this week, I attempted to take matters into my own hands and came up with this:
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Here we are, baby dub and I 16 weeks and counting! (pardon the messy bathroom, I would say it doesn't always look like that, but who am I kidding) |
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Maybe? Baby?!?
To update on my last post, lately I have been wondering...maybe? Is that Baby?
So the past week or so I have felt a little - squirm (pun intended) in my lower abdomen. If you have been pregnant, you know there are a LOT of little rumblings that go on inside...(sorry if that is TMI) but its true - hence the confused state I am currently in! BUT, lately I have been thinking, could it be? maybe? is that my baby? I am guessing I will stay confused on the subject until I get a very apparent jab into my belly or ribs, but the curiosity has me excited nonetheless! Until then, I will continue and try to discern the difference between my dinner talking to me and baby dub giving me his/her first hello's. A game I am excited to play!
--my mom tells me that it is probably the baby, so since I defer to her judgement on all things pregnancy over my own, I will take her word on it!
Keep on squirming baby squirm!
P.S. while reading our "what to expect" book last night we got a kick out of them describing the first movements of the baby as a, and I quote, "a squirm" !!! I wish I had the book with me and I would give you the entire sentence, it was pretty cute :)
So the past week or so I have felt a little - squirm (pun intended) in my lower abdomen. If you have been pregnant, you know there are a LOT of little rumblings that go on inside...(sorry if that is TMI) but its true - hence the confused state I am currently in! BUT, lately I have been thinking, could it be? maybe? is that my baby? I am guessing I will stay confused on the subject until I get a very apparent jab into my belly or ribs, but the curiosity has me excited nonetheless! Until then, I will continue and try to discern the difference between my dinner talking to me and baby dub giving me his/her first hello's. A game I am excited to play!
--my mom tells me that it is probably the baby, so since I defer to her judgement on all things pregnancy over my own, I will take her word on it!
Keep on squirming baby squirm!
P.S. while reading our "what to expect" book last night we got a kick out of them describing the first movements of the baby as a, and I quote, "a squirm" !!! I wish I had the book with me and I would give you the entire sentence, it was pretty cute :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
A new appreciation for Monday~
The mysterious ways of the Lord are some of life's most exciting surprises! There have been little mysterious signs popping up all over the last 16 weeks some as insignificant as a magazine in the mail with the baby room I had been gazing at online, some more significant like the actual sound of baby dubs heartbeat projecting through my belly (one would say this is more miraculous than mysterious, I find it both...I mean hearing a heartbeat other than yours coming from your body...crazy). But one I get a kick out of every Sunday night and Monday morning is a constant reminder to me of the Lord's great comfort and presence in mine and baby dubs life.
Monday's to me, are I am sure like they are to most...met with dread and utter reluctance to greet the next day with joy and excitement. Every Sunday night, I try to stay up as late as possible, you would think I would take the opposite approach seeing as I have a whole week to prepare for in a few short hours...but no, I end every weekend with the stubbornness of a 2 year old, kicking & screaming until my exhaustion finally sets in. I am guessing the Lord took my bratty ways and decided to teach me that Mondays are a gift, just like any other day, because as He would have it, B-dub and I celebrate the start of a new week in baby dub's life...on you guessed it...MONDAY!
Who would have EVER thought I would count down the days of the week to my Monday morning! I jump straight to my email early Monday morning to check the status of our growing one and am in awe of the developments to that lie ahead in the days to come. To say baby dub has more productive weeks than any top executive would be an understatement! I mean has any CEO ever created unique fingerprints in a weeks worth of work?!?!
So baby dub starts each Monday off with a new goal, a new mission, and lots of growth to accomplish in 7 short days, making mommy's work of phone calls and emails not seem so daunting.
This Monday is an EXTRA special day for 2 we have now reached our 16 week maker, 4 whole months of baby!! And dub is now the size of one of our favorite treats!
Monday's to me, are I am sure like they are to most...met with dread and utter reluctance to greet the next day with joy and excitement. Every Sunday night, I try to stay up as late as possible, you would think I would take the opposite approach seeing as I have a whole week to prepare for in a few short hours...but no, I end every weekend with the stubbornness of a 2 year old, kicking & screaming until my exhaustion finally sets in. I am guessing the Lord took my bratty ways and decided to teach me that Mondays are a gift, just like any other day, because as He would have it, B-dub and I celebrate the start of a new week in baby dub's life...on you guessed it...MONDAY!
Who would have EVER thought I would count down the days of the week to my Monday morning! I jump straight to my email early Monday morning to check the status of our growing one and am in awe of the developments to that lie ahead in the days to come. To say baby dub has more productive weeks than any top executive would be an understatement! I mean has any CEO ever created unique fingerprints in a weeks worth of work?!?!
So baby dub starts each Monday off with a new goal, a new mission, and lots of growth to accomplish in 7 short days, making mommy's work of phone calls and emails not seem so daunting.
This Monday is an EXTRA special day for 2 we have now reached our 16 week maker, 4 whole months of baby!! And dub is now the size of one of our favorite treats!
photo courtesy of:
Can you say YUMMY!!! Baby dub and I could eat these every meal, every day!
So with the CELEBRATION of MONDAYS in mind I thought I would leave you with few celebrations 16 weeks of pregnancy has brought to me!
1. I now have an excuse to wear the same stretchy tights everyday, to work, to play, to...well, anything. No one judges the prego woman in stretchy tights.
2. The belly, which has in some form or fashion "popped" gives me a whole new profile. To say I am startled every time I walk past a mirror would be an understatement. In my head I am still the girl who HAS a waist.
3. I have now successfully cried at in a public place TWICE! Once in Target and once at a nice family dinner. Neither time was I told I was being bratty (which I probably was) I was just quietly ignored and passed an extra tortilla. However, let me say my husband will now take my warnings of being too tired as a valid excuse to skip a dinner or two.
4. I had food on my belly for the first time today, riding up the elevator no less. I am guessing isn't the last time my food will wander to its new resting place.
5. My usual Sunday afternoon naps are now interrupted by at least 1 but more likely 2 bathroom breaks...getting me used to baby being here I am sure. Where I hear grabbing a nap is about as easy as spotting a unicorn.
6. B-dub no longer tells me I have TONS of clothes in my closet when I say I am going shopping. I do have TONS in my closet, but none he wants to see me wear in public.
7. I am no longer our household's main grocery shopper! Apparently it is not financially efficient or calorie conscious to have me wander the aisles giving into every craving that meets my eye. My current fixture has been to buy dibs peanut butter ice cream bits. I have not been allowed to the store since mentioning them :) A WIN-WIN if you ask me! No store trip for me & no ice cream haunting me from the fridge. - Don't worry I do not deprive baby dub of ice cream, we go out to indulge...
(let me clarify, I am the one not allowing me...not B-dub, believe me, he knows better)
8. My bed time has moved up from 10:30/11ish to anywhere from 9:15 to 10:00. The 9:15 days are awesome!
9. No one...and I mean NO ONE ever lets me miss a MEAL! This goes all the way to my work lunch meetings...I am always the first one who gets offered a slice of pizza :)
10. Last but not least, this week I am celebrating maybe, maybe getting to feel baby dub for the first time! I am using every excuse to sit still and stare at my belly waiting for a flutter/bubble/tickle to make my day!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
the ear bone's connected... the music bone!
In honor of baby-dub getting EAR BONES (please Dr. G, excuse my non-medical knowledge of the actual term that should be used here) this week....thus gaining the ability to hear :) I have added a playlist of some of our favorite songs!
Way to go baby-dub! Keep on growing little one!!!
In honor of baby-dub getting EAR BONES (please Dr. G, excuse my non-medical knowledge of the actual term that should be used here) this week....thus gaining the ability to hear :) I have added a playlist of some of our favorite songs!
Way to go baby-dub! Keep on growing little one!!!
Workin' for the Weekend
Everybody's working for the weekend....
Pretty much sums up the motto for my weeks these days. I cant wait til 5:00 (really 4:00 who am I kidding) Friday. This isn't a new occurrence, as long as I can remember this has been my general theme. So with that in mind I thought I would sum up my events for last weekend and daydream about whats to come in a few short days.
We had our dear friends Ginna & Kevin Koury come in this weekend for a nice relaxing visit! They are the BEST guests....for lots of reasons, but one really GREAT reason is the fact that Kevin loves projects, house projects to be exact. Kevin & B-dub were college roommates and Ginna & I were roommates, actually we introduced them and Gina introduced us, a nice pay it forward type of gesture I thought :) Everytime we get lucky enough to have them in town Kevin and B-dub play some sort of fix up game I happen to love!
This time we got a completely FIXED (as in not running 24-7) toilet, new air vents, and our sticky office door I fought with every morning is 100% UN-stuck! Thanks for the hard work boys! Koury's we owe you one!
Ginna & I did our usual, shopping, lounging, sleeping, socializing routine. Really it was a blast! We also got to celebrate our sweet friend Lauren's upcoming new arrival, sweet Berkeley Alise. She had the sweetest shower filled with pink, ruffles, monograms and all things little girl. It was a wonderful celebration!
Pretty much sums up the motto for my weeks these days. I cant wait til 5:00 (really 4:00 who am I kidding) Friday. This isn't a new occurrence, as long as I can remember this has been my general theme. So with that in mind I thought I would sum up my events for last weekend and daydream about whats to come in a few short days.
We had our dear friends Ginna & Kevin Koury come in this weekend for a nice relaxing visit! They are the BEST guests....for lots of reasons, but one really GREAT reason is the fact that Kevin loves projects, house projects to be exact. Kevin & B-dub were college roommates and Ginna & I were roommates, actually we introduced them and Gina introduced us, a nice pay it forward type of gesture I thought :) Everytime we get lucky enough to have them in town Kevin and B-dub play some sort of fix up game I happen to love!
This time we got a completely FIXED (as in not running 24-7) toilet, new air vents, and our sticky office door I fought with every morning is 100% UN-stuck! Thanks for the hard work boys! Koury's we owe you one!
Ginna & I did our usual, shopping, lounging, sleeping, socializing routine. Really it was a blast! We also got to celebrate our sweet friend Lauren's upcoming new arrival, sweet Berkeley Alise. She had the sweetest shower filled with pink, ruffles, monograms and all things little girl. It was a wonderful celebration!
Our sweet friends! So glad we got to see you!
We are so thankful for our friends & family and look forward to all our visits with each one! This weekend we have the White Clan coming in for a nice long weekend, one I am sure will include yummy baked goods, golf on tv - thanks to Poppy White, pedicures, shopping and even more golf :)
Looking forward to every second of my weekend -
Friday, August 13, 2010
An Ode to Cheese
Today my sweet squirm and I have a much needed day off work! Let me just say I am enjoying every. single. second of this day!!! I did stay in my bed til 10:00 am - (not without frequent bathroom breaks) but I did my best to try and extend my slumber as LONG as possible. BLISS. Gone are the days where a day off consists of watching every movie on t.v., pedicures with my sisters or roommates, shopping with dads credit card :) and eating Lucky Charms, so I chose to take advantage of the one piece of childhood/college days by staying in bed til my legs were itching to finally get up.
I did enjoy a meal favorite of mine this morning - my famous bowl of cereal - here I will give you the recipe, Kashi & Special K, topped with a mountain of blueberries! YUM! I have never loved cereal as much as I do now, sure like I said, I was never one to shy away from the Lucky Charm box, or its colorful & sweet marshmallows, but I was never a cereal regular. Sure enough, carrying a child sure changed this, and many other of my grazing habits....bringing me to my current obsession of CHEESE.
My love for cheese happened fast and furious, like a great summer love. One day I was a normal cheese consumer, then it happened....suddenly I CANT. GET. ENOUGH. Weird, ya, I would say so. But how I enjoyed this phase of my first trimester. (Disclaimer, now that I have turned the corner to what everyone says is the great one, the second trimester, I have let my relationship with cheese take a slightly healthier turn and as I type, baby dub and I are snacking on blueberries and water- fun).
Seriously though, mozzarella (especially in string form), cheddar, my childhood fav colby jack, and the not so healthy modification of mac & cheese, grilled cheese, and queso all found its way into my daily routine. For some reason or another, this was the only form of solid, or in some cases semi-solid food I could make meet my lips. I cant say I advise this type of eating habit, as the first trimester 3-5 lbs. quickly found its way to my hips and brought a few more friends along, like 6, 7, and 8. But looking back, I think it may have been worth it, and during those precious few months while I was under my hormonal coma, it was really the only thing that seemed even close to logical.
This craving was one I let myself indulge in, I figured its cheese, not brownies - right?! Who knows, but I found it quite amusing. Sweet baby dub has had a great introduction into a culinary great, and I know will appreciate his/her moms thoughtfulness of making their connection happen sooner rather than later.
There you have it, I am sure what you all have been waiting for, an deep insight into my pregnant life.
I can think of no better way to leave this post than with the sweetest picture of my precious & I must say hilarious niece - Caris, you know the thebrilliantcamille 's beautiful daughter. I do however offer my apologies for sharing such a precious pic of your little one under the title "an ode to cheese" but can't you just see soon as her mommy said.....
Too precious. I love this little one, cannot wait to see you sweet C!
(for more on C's little shirt take a look
I did enjoy a meal favorite of mine this morning - my famous bowl of cereal - here I will give you the recipe, Kashi & Special K, topped with a mountain of blueberries! YUM! I have never loved cereal as much as I do now, sure like I said, I was never one to shy away from the Lucky Charm box, or its colorful & sweet marshmallows, but I was never a cereal regular. Sure enough, carrying a child sure changed this, and many other of my grazing habits....bringing me to my current obsession of CHEESE.
My love for cheese happened fast and furious, like a great summer love. One day I was a normal cheese consumer, then it happened....suddenly I CANT. GET. ENOUGH. Weird, ya, I would say so. But how I enjoyed this phase of my first trimester. (Disclaimer, now that I have turned the corner to what everyone says is the great one, the second trimester, I have let my relationship with cheese take a slightly healthier turn and as I type, baby dub and I are snacking on blueberries and water- fun).
Seriously though, mozzarella (especially in string form), cheddar, my childhood fav colby jack, and the not so healthy modification of mac & cheese, grilled cheese, and queso all found its way into my daily routine. For some reason or another, this was the only form of solid, or in some cases semi-solid food I could make meet my lips. I cant say I advise this type of eating habit, as the first trimester 3-5 lbs. quickly found its way to my hips and brought a few more friends along, like 6, 7, and 8. But looking back, I think it may have been worth it, and during those precious few months while I was under my hormonal coma, it was really the only thing that seemed even close to logical.
This craving was one I let myself indulge in, I figured its cheese, not brownies - right?! Who knows, but I found it quite amusing. Sweet baby dub has had a great introduction into a culinary great, and I know will appreciate his/her moms thoughtfulness of making their connection happen sooner rather than later.
There you have it, I am sure what you all have been waiting for, an deep insight into my pregnant life.
I can think of no better way to leave this post than with the sweetest picture of my precious & I must say hilarious niece - Caris, you know the thebrilliantcamille 's beautiful daughter. I do however offer my apologies for sharing such a precious pic of your little one under the title "an ode to cheese" but can't you just see soon as her mommy said.....
This is the look that was produced!
Too precious. I love this little one, cannot wait to see you sweet C!
(for more on C's little shirt take a look
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Before I made my venture into the 21st century - blogging- I wrote (no not with a pen, just on a computer- who knew that would be outdated) a few letters to our little one I thought I would share. The one here is a little insight into week 11 and a little more insight into my quirky family!
Squirm - the worst name I could have imagined to call my little one - seems to have stuck as my precious baby's first nickname! The name came by honestly, in the way of my husband, but stuck around much longer than I ever expected. Bobby decided this little nickname he acquired while in Elementary School, was a GREAT first name for our first born. I tried to convince him that we could think of something a little, I don't know - cute - but he insisted, he would call baby dub "squirm". Much to Mommy's delight, the name proceeded to stick with the entire family who all now call my growing belly, baby squirm. Funny...a little, disturbing...yes, but nonetheless that is what baby dub has been and will be called until we find out if our squirm is a squirmette....September 21st can't come soon enough.
-July 29, 2010
Sweet Baby W (dub),
Today you are 11 weeks 4 days old and are growing bigger every second! I know this because this week I have gone from struggling to button my pants, to not being able to button them at all . Your dad and I are still for the most part keeping you our little secret! We are enjoying this time of having you all to ourselves. Those who do know about you, are already loving on you, they pray for you, buy you little treats , feed you whatever you may want that day (and a lot of days that is cheese) and are so, so ready to help you mommy and daddy shout the news about you from the mountaintops!
Your nicknames are multiplying as fast as your little body is growing. You auntie Cami loves to call you Squirm – A name your daddy started calling you the day he found out about you. To which I have told everyone – if you are a little girl, I am sincerely sorry- I tried to warn them! Grandma Machita, and Auntie Shelby like to call you squirm too. They think it is cute, and for some reason, it has stuck! This was you daddy’s nickname when he was little, so I don’t really mind it, it is something cute you are sharing with him already. Your dad and I tried to get everyone to call you baby dub, which is what we refer to you for the most part as, but that didn’t seem to stick as well as squirm. Your Grandpa JJ likes to call you “heartbeat” which I am particularly fond of, not only because he was the first one we talked to after we saw your heartbeat for the first time, but because that was the most memorable day of my life. The day it changed forever and the day I really felt like your mommy. We have actually heard you heartbeat, which instantly brought tears to my eyes! Your little tiny heart was beating at 169 tiny beats a minute!!! A fast and strong gallop in my tummy! It was so unbelievable to actually hear you inside of me! We hopefully will be able to hear it again in 10 days (I count them down) which is the next time we go to the doctor! I can not wait! When I shop for you these days, I call you “my winter baby” in part to remind me that it is going to be VERY COLD when you arrive and you will need Lots & Lots of warm clothes, hats and shoes. Your birthday they tell us, is supposed to be February 7, 2011. We will start the guessing on the actual date when you get a little closer to making your arrival, but if you are anything you’re your mommy, you will be late! Something we are EVERYDAY these days when you and I go to work! I am a winter baby, so I love calling you my winter baby. We don’t have too many winter babies in the family (at least on the Jones side) so I am liking our little distinction we share together. To add to your little list of nicknames, we have some that call you baby white, and others that just call you baby. All of which are music to my ears. I can’t wait to find out what you are and start calling you by your name! What an exciting moment that will be, to finally give you your name!
Everyone has their own thoughts on if you are a little girl or a little boy, I love the guessing game, it’s so fun to hear how people come up with their prediction.
Grandpa JJ & Grandpa White both think you are a boy…In fact, we have a LOT of boy guesses right now.
Daddy, has sort of always thought you were a boy, but he like s to tell me sometimes he thinks you are a girl. He is so excited about you either way, it is hard for him to make up his mind. But I think today, his official vote is BOY!
Grandma Machita thinks you are a little girl, I don’t know why, she just has decided that’s what her guess is. She may be used to having baby girls around because she has had a lot!
I think I am leaning towards the girl guess…but my mind changes as fast as my food cravings these days. I have tried to take all the “prediction tests” to tell me if you are a girl or boy, and they have all said BOY, so in my mind that means you are a girl. I have been craving a few more salty foods, which the old tales say = boy, but I sleep every night on my right side, which they then tell me that = girl! You are sure keeping us guessing, and have added so much fun to our conversations already!
I will keep asking what all the predictions are; it will be so fun for you to find out what everyone thought you were before they knew you! For the record- EVERYONE thought I was a BOY- they even called me baby Allen….they were all wrong!
We love you so much baby, and are already so ready for you to finally be here in our arms. A waiting game, we will surely play, as you need all this time to grow big and strong until you are finally ready to say hello to this world. This weekend my goal is to pick out some music for us to listen to on our long car rides together. I realized last week, this may be the only time in my life, that wherever I go, you get to go to! It is a sweet promise for this mommy to know that I always have you with me – right in my growing belly! Truth be told, I will never go another day with out you, but knowing I have you safe inside me all to myself is something that I am cherishing every second of. We do drive a lot together, you and I. Not my most favorite part of the days- mainly because my back has begun to hurt from all the sitting I am doing, so this weekend I will get you some good tunes you can enjoy! Don’t worry- I will make dad help me on this venture- he has way better taste in music that do I. I will let you know what we come up with.
Praying for you constantly baby dub. We love you so much!
Love- mommy
Squirm - the worst name I could have imagined to call my little one - seems to have stuck as my precious baby's first nickname! The name came by honestly, in the way of my husband, but stuck around much longer than I ever expected. Bobby decided this little nickname he acquired while in Elementary School, was a GREAT first name for our first born. I tried to convince him that we could think of something a little, I don't know - cute - but he insisted, he would call baby dub "squirm". Much to Mommy's delight, the name proceeded to stick with the entire family who all now call my growing belly, baby squirm. Funny...a little, disturbing...yes, but nonetheless that is what baby dub has been and will be called until we find out if our squirm is a squirmette....September 21st can't come soon enough.
-July 29, 2010
Sweet Baby W (dub),
Today you are 11 weeks 4 days old and are growing bigger every second! I know this because this week I have gone from struggling to button my pants, to not being able to button them at all . Your dad and I are still for the most part keeping you our little secret! We are enjoying this time of having you all to ourselves. Those who do know about you, are already loving on you, they pray for you, buy you little treats , feed you whatever you may want that day (and a lot of days that is cheese) and are so, so ready to help you mommy and daddy shout the news about you from the mountaintops!
Your nicknames are multiplying as fast as your little body is growing. You auntie Cami loves to call you Squirm – A name your daddy started calling you the day he found out about you. To which I have told everyone – if you are a little girl, I am sincerely sorry- I tried to warn them! Grandma Machita, and Auntie Shelby like to call you squirm too. They think it is cute, and for some reason, it has stuck! This was you daddy’s nickname when he was little, so I don’t really mind it, it is something cute you are sharing with him already. Your dad and I tried to get everyone to call you baby dub, which is what we refer to you for the most part as, but that didn’t seem to stick as well as squirm. Your Grandpa JJ likes to call you “heartbeat” which I am particularly fond of, not only because he was the first one we talked to after we saw your heartbeat for the first time, but because that was the most memorable day of my life. The day it changed forever and the day I really felt like your mommy. We have actually heard you heartbeat, which instantly brought tears to my eyes! Your little tiny heart was beating at 169 tiny beats a minute!!! A fast and strong gallop in my tummy! It was so unbelievable to actually hear you inside of me! We hopefully will be able to hear it again in 10 days (I count them down) which is the next time we go to the doctor! I can not wait! When I shop for you these days, I call you “my winter baby” in part to remind me that it is going to be VERY COLD when you arrive and you will need Lots & Lots of warm clothes, hats and shoes. Your birthday they tell us, is supposed to be February 7, 2011. We will start the guessing on the actual date when you get a little closer to making your arrival, but if you are anything you’re your mommy, you will be late! Something we are EVERYDAY these days when you and I go to work! I am a winter baby, so I love calling you my winter baby. We don’t have too many winter babies in the family (at least on the Jones side) so I am liking our little distinction we share together. To add to your little list of nicknames, we have some that call you baby white, and others that just call you baby. All of which are music to my ears. I can’t wait to find out what you are and start calling you by your name! What an exciting moment that will be, to finally give you your name!
Everyone has their own thoughts on if you are a little girl or a little boy, I love the guessing game, it’s so fun to hear how people come up with their prediction.
Grandpa JJ & Grandpa White both think you are a boy…In fact, we have a LOT of boy guesses right now.
Daddy, has sort of always thought you were a boy, but he like s to tell me sometimes he thinks you are a girl. He is so excited about you either way, it is hard for him to make up his mind. But I think today, his official vote is BOY!
Grandma Machita thinks you are a little girl, I don’t know why, she just has decided that’s what her guess is. She may be used to having baby girls around because she has had a lot!
I think I am leaning towards the girl guess…but my mind changes as fast as my food cravings these days. I have tried to take all the “prediction tests” to tell me if you are a girl or boy, and they have all said BOY, so in my mind that means you are a girl. I have been craving a few more salty foods, which the old tales say = boy, but I sleep every night on my right side, which they then tell me that = girl! You are sure keeping us guessing, and have added so much fun to our conversations already!
I will keep asking what all the predictions are; it will be so fun for you to find out what everyone thought you were before they knew you! For the record- EVERYONE thought I was a BOY- they even called me baby Allen….they were all wrong!
We love you so much baby, and are already so ready for you to finally be here in our arms. A waiting game, we will surely play, as you need all this time to grow big and strong until you are finally ready to say hello to this world. This weekend my goal is to pick out some music for us to listen to on our long car rides together. I realized last week, this may be the only time in my life, that wherever I go, you get to go to! It is a sweet promise for this mommy to know that I always have you with me – right in my growing belly! Truth be told, I will never go another day with out you, but knowing I have you safe inside me all to myself is something that I am cherishing every second of. We do drive a lot together, you and I. Not my most favorite part of the days- mainly because my back has begun to hurt from all the sitting I am doing, so this weekend I will get you some good tunes you can enjoy! Don’t worry- I will make dad help me on this venture- he has way better taste in music that do I. I will let you know what we come up with.
Praying for you constantly baby dub. We love you so much!
Love- mommy
my joy within....intro, part 2
With my full disclosure of my blogging abilities out of the way, my interest into the blog world started as small as a poppy seed. For those of you who are expecting, those professional moms, or any of those who have ever read the first paragraph of "what to expect..." know just what I am referring to. My little poppy seed, growing ever so rapidly has made the journey to blogging not one of choice, but a necessity. Need- may be a strong word here, especially in the life stage that I currently find myself in, there are a LOT of things I have found out I am in NEED of. Food that doesn't make me vomit, pants that stretch and stretch, lots and lots of patience from my sweet husband, fruits and veggies on a proportion I never thought possible, water, water, lots of water, SLEEP, and that is just the tip of the ice burg. A huge part of my growing list of necessities include the intense desire to document this miraculous little poppy seed. Every momentous occasion, all those occasions that only a mom & dad would ever mark as momentous, and everything in between.
Although I have not seen that sweet face, my sweet poppy seed and I are bonded in a way I could have never imagined, yet it sometimes feels like we are far apart. Far in the fact that I cant touch that precious face, rock the little one to sleep or calm his or her cries. This need to communicate with my first born came on like a wave that knocked me off my feet, but in the most amazing of ways. This not seeing but believing stage deepened my faith in our Creator more in one day than I had pursued to find in a lifetime. Suddenly it became more real than ever before. There is a creation inside me granted to me by our Creator, one that I cannot see, or touch, one that only in time I will feel and hear, and one that has changed my world forever before I have even laid eyes on on it. The clarity of this parallel with my faith in our Lord & Saviour and this gift of creation is one that has me overcome with awe, joy, humility, deep sense of gratitude, and overwhelming thankfulness. Leaving me with the intense desire to share my every new realization, thought and experience with my little one. Thus creating my current state of "need".
I hope to share a little piece myself and my evolution into motherhood with my little poppy seed and hope that it will show some small fraction of the amount of my joy I have within.
Although I have not seen that sweet face, my sweet poppy seed and I are bonded in a way I could have never imagined, yet it sometimes feels like we are far apart. Far in the fact that I cant touch that precious face, rock the little one to sleep or calm his or her cries. This need to communicate with my first born came on like a wave that knocked me off my feet, but in the most amazing of ways. This not seeing but believing stage deepened my faith in our Creator more in one day than I had pursued to find in a lifetime. Suddenly it became more real than ever before. There is a creation inside me granted to me by our Creator, one that I cannot see, or touch, one that only in time I will feel and hear, and one that has changed my world forever before I have even laid eyes on on it. The clarity of this parallel with my faith in our Lord & Saviour and this gift of creation is one that has me overcome with awe, joy, humility, deep sense of gratitude, and overwhelming thankfulness. Leaving me with the intense desire to share my every new realization, thought and experience with my little one. Thus creating my current state of "need".
I hope to share a little piece myself and my evolution into motherhood with my little poppy seed and hope that it will show some small fraction of the amount of my joy I have within.
and so it begins...
My journey into the world of blogging. A disclaimer...
The blogging journey is one I do not take lightly - for many reasons. The whole writing thing, catchy titles, cute pics, and clever posts seem like such daunting tasks for a very un-catchy/clever girl like myself. However, the main reason for my hesitation is one a little closer to home. :) I credit the VERY catchy, VERY clever and if I do say so myself genius writings of my brilliant sister Thebrillantcamille (no that is not her blog title, but it should be) for the serious hesitation I am currently experiencing. Seriously though if you have not gotten the benefit of reading one of her brilliantly crafted works, you should take a look, it is one (all biases aside) publishers dream for!
I have secretly always loved the challenging task of following in her footsteps. The 2 1/2 year game of catch up I have played to her my entire life, has proved to be one of my life's greatest joys and probably one of her greatest annoyances :)! I have loved getting to do things at the same time as her! We got our ears pierced together, got the same curfew in High School, I dated her friends, you know the usual annoying younger sister stuff. Non of that proved as challenging to me as following in her footsteps of the writing venture I am attempting to embark upon! She has always been one that can bring people to tears with her writings, her essays were featured in every class assembly, her speeches rival the White House, and now she gets paid to write things, and of course on the side she blogs! So, ya. Then there's me! Nonetheless, I am starting the journey. So cheers to being the middle sister and cheers to blogging!
camille, me & shelby (who deserves her on post...and will get one)
The blogging journey is one I do not take lightly - for many reasons. The whole writing thing, catchy titles, cute pics, and clever posts seem like such daunting tasks for a very un-catchy/clever girl like myself. However, the main reason for my hesitation is one a little closer to home. :) I credit the VERY catchy, VERY clever and if I do say so myself genius writings of my brilliant sister Thebrillantcamille (no that is not her blog title, but it should be) for the serious hesitation I am currently experiencing. Seriously though if you have not gotten the benefit of reading one of her brilliantly crafted works, you should take a look, it is one (all biases aside) publishers dream for!
I have secretly always loved the challenging task of following in her footsteps. The 2 1/2 year game of catch up I have played to her my entire life, has proved to be one of my life's greatest joys and probably one of her greatest annoyances :)! I have loved getting to do things at the same time as her! We got our ears pierced together, got the same curfew in High School, I dated her friends, you know the usual annoying younger sister stuff. Non of that proved as challenging to me as following in her footsteps of the writing venture I am attempting to embark upon! She has always been one that can bring people to tears with her writings, her essays were featured in every class assembly, her speeches rival the White House, and now she gets paid to write things, and of course on the side she blogs! So, ya. Then there's me! Nonetheless, I am starting the journey. So cheers to being the middle sister and cheers to blogging!
camille, me & shelby (who deserves her on post...and will get one)
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