Your first few weeks were spent with mommy, in our room just getting used to each other. We napped, ate, played, prayed and learned each others every facial line, every smell, every finger and every toe.
We have had lots of visitors, so many people are loving getting to finally meet you! You smiled at us around week 3, it was amazing! Your eyes lit up, your face widened and there you were, our little smiley girl :) something I will never forget.
You love laying on your back and kicking your legs, you hate your tummy time, and love playing with your daddy when he comes home!
We have gone from you sleeping a LOT to me trying to get you to at least get one good nap in the day. You wake up every 2 hours at night, you like to eat then and most times like to stay up and play. We are working on you wanting to sleep but for the most part me or daddy are up with you, rocking you for hours on to make sure you stay asleep!
After week two, you woke up to us, and really started using your lungs! You like to really work out those cries for about 2 hours at night, when you are exercising your vocal chords, I bounce with you on my exercise ball, you LOVE this, and every time I stop bouncing you wake up and tell me to KEEP BOUNCING MOM!!! So we do, we bounce and bounce and bounce.
Your first out of town trip was right after you turned one month. We went to visit mommy and daddy's meeting place, Baylor! You wore your green and gold and got to see the bears, take a tour of the campus, and eat at chilis too! You loved it!!! We got to visit your auntie Cami, Uncle G and cousin Caris in Waco, you had so much fun playing with them! You love your family and they love you.
Your first month we spent in constant amazement, amazed that our girl was really here, in our arms and completely and totally OURS!! I still dont think it has sunk in yet, you amaze us every second of every day.
One of my favorite things you do is your wake up is the cutest thing! Whenever I pick you up and you have been sleeping, you reach both of your arms over your head clench your fists and give a BIG STRETCH! It is so sweet watching you stretch your muscles, getting ready to wake up and see your world.
We go on walks, you love the air outside. We watch American Idol & The Biggest Loser and lots of the Food Network. You and I talk a lot, we talk about your family, your daddy, your home, your room, trips we are going to take you on and things we are going to do. We both love our long talks together.
One of YOUR favorite activities is bath time, no matter how upset you are before your bath, as soon as you sit in that warm water you are relaxed and content. You are so cute looking up at us as we wash your little self. I hope you always love your bath, it is one of my favorite times with you!
**Pretty soon we will need a 2 month update, but I wanted to make sure I got to your one month first, because you will be 8 weeks old soon!!! Cant believe it!
Love you Annabelle Grace, you have made me a better me.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures of your first few days and weeks of life....moments I will never forget.
your first bath at home, grandma susie did most of it while mommy watched and learned |
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me & you in your room for the first time |
you and all your Jones girls....your are so loved |
you and mommy, love! |
you sticking your tongue out at daddy :) |
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Our first picture in our house, right when we brought you home from the hospital! |