And I don't care who knows it!!
So, I do realize I did miss the 3 month update, its started, I promise, just never completed. So instead I am combining our 3 month and 4 month update for a combined effort! We will see how this goes!
Our last 2 months can be summed up in two words, Fingers and Toes!! Our Annabelle has discovered her 20 new friends and can't get enough. Luckily I think they are as equally as fond of her as she is them, they spend all day together, playing, grabbing, slobbery and oh so cute! Truly I can NOT keep her fingers out of her mouth and she can't help but to grab her feet any chance she gets. I suspect there are a few little teeth involved in this union, but none that are visible to the eye...yet.
We have lots of smiles, lots of laughs, and lots of FUN these days as each day brings some sort of new adventure. With our Texas summer in full force, Annabelle and I are having to get creative with our daily activities, the stifling heat has pushed our daily walk out of routine and now we go to the mall with lots of other moms and strollers for our morning activity! Annabelle has loved our "stroller fit" class and refuses to sleep a wink during our morning outing! She waits until class is completely over, then yawns and falls asleep on our walk to the car! It is hilarious.
Our April, May and June have been filled with activity after activity, we have made 2 trips to Houston one to Fort Worth, several to Albany/Abilene, complete with one wedding, one bachelorette party, and a graduation party have made our little girl quite the traveling queen. Truly there have been some big milestones we have been lucky to have our girl be a part of, it is hard to imagine she wasn't always at these big events, but so heartwarming to know at the same time that she will be there from now on.
My best friend Cori was married this May, and our Annabelle was the honorary "Matron of Honor" as my duties increased so did hers, and I must say she handled them quite gracefully. We whisked her away Mothers Day weekend to Fort Worth so I could have a fun girls night out at Cori's bachelorette party! She handled her daddy/daughter night like a champ, loving the hotel room, loving her daddy, and playing downtown. Two weeks later, she was back in party mode, ready for the rehearsal dinner, her first wedding ceremony, dancing, and a late night out. While I was back and forth for 2 days she stayed relaxed, even helped set up for the big event in the Bjorn in the early morning, snoozing away like nothing phased her. Not to say we didn't have our meltdown moments, we did....but the girl did fantastic. Cori was a beautiful bride, I am so glad Annabelle was here to experience her special day!
Here are a few pics of my precious family on Cori's wedding day!
Our adventures continued that very next day, as Bobby and I were set to celebrate his 29th birthday and our second anniversary. So unbelievable to have our girl there to celebrate such special days in our life. I cant wait to take her to California and show her where we got married, I know she will fall in love with it just like we did! We had lots in store for that week, birthday party for daddy, surprise soccer game, Annabelle's first cake baking lesson and our first night out baby-less...What a week!
Much thanks to grandma Susie for pulling babysitting duty for our anniversary, we left the house not in the best of conditions...and came home to a perfectly sleeping baby :) so, so needed!!!! Our friends Nick & Alise helped make Bobby's birthday extra special and joined and even TREATED us to a wonderful birthday dinner! They are truly the BEST!! Such special friends, always willing no matter what to drop what they are doing and be there, always making things that much better! ( You will remember they were the first to meet our Annabelle Grace, they braved the ice storm and sat in the hospital praying and holding our hands until 4:30 in the morning, leaving only after they knew we were both safe and sound) We are so lucky and blessed to have such special friends and family that always surround us with love during all of life's ups and downs.
We were able to celebrate B-dub's birthday in true family style. Just the 3 of us, it was perfect! Sunday, we all went to the FC Dallas game, soccer is a favorite pastime of my B-dub and with the pro team literally down the street, I figured it was something Annabelle and I could treat the birthday boy to! Despite the impending thunderstorm, having a mild panic attack that we were going to get struck by lightning and leaving just in the nick of time before getting doused by a huge rain shower (seriously the SECOND we got in the car the monsoon came) we had such a fun time! The field was beautiful, our seats were great and our Annabelle was in an extra happy mood! I think she knew it was a special treat for her daddy and let me tell you this girl will do anything for her DAD!
Annabelle & Daddy at the Game
That next day was Bobby's actual birthday, we had all sorts of plans up our sleeves for that day, but as plans go, none of them actually panned out as we had hoped. A huge thunderstorm deterred us from a birthday lunch and an extra busy week kept us from a surprise party with all our friends, but as I mentioned before Alise & Nick came and saved our evening with a wonderful dinner at Cantina Laredo. Annabelle slept the ENTIRE dinner, truly out of character for our little active one. We had so much fun celebrating the big 29 with our B-dub. Earlier that day, we attempted a little cake baking for daddy dub, I truly can say I haven't baked anything in a few years. With an occasion as special as this, I figured it was time. A few hours, tears and one nap later, we had a cake...or something like that. I still cant really figure out what happened to my homemade butter cream icing, it was something verging on strange. Last minute I decided I should scrape it off and try again, round 2 was better, but the combo of #1 icing plus #2 icing left us with an even stranger taste bud sensation. Oh well, its the thought that counts...right???? Hopefully at Annabelle's next baking lesson, I will be a little more successful.
Annabelle & Daddy blowing out the candles, icing #1 pic... |
The birthday boy & icing #2 |
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Birthday dinner pic with our sleepy girl |
Not intentionally making this the most boring/longest post ever, just afraid if I don't get it all out in one swipe it will remain forever in my "edit post section" never seeing the light of the "new post" title!
BUT...our crazy May continued the day after B-dub's 29 celebration, with our 2nd wedding anniversary. Which really should get its own post, and may, but if not here is the readers digest version.
Tornadoes...Annabelle and I locked in the closet with every pillow in the house surrounding us...Bobby storm chasing outside...and a very well intentioned meal of sea bass and wine served at 10:00 p.m. Thus was our 2 year in a nutshell. I didn't quite factor in a newborn, working husband, one family income, and a scatter brain new mommy when I thought it would be ok to plan my wedding one day after my husbands birthday. Somehow I convinced myself, it would never be an issue, 2 celebrations in 2 days...what could be better! I romanticized always being on a white sand beach or sipping wine in California during this special week. However our day at home just being real, a real family, a real husband and wife, with real responsibilities, real setbacks, real nap time, real cries and a really real new understanding of love made this day more special than any beach ever could have.
B-dub and I did finally have a night out by ourselves the next evening, Grandma Susie took double duty and handled a very sad and tired baby, handled my anxiousness about leaving, and handled bedtime so we could enjoy a baby free dinner. I cant tell you how much we needed just a hour to talk.
So our May ended with a quick trip to Houston, a stay at Annabelle's favorite cousin's house, and a fun time at the butterfly museum, and before I knew it our 3 month old merged into a 4 month old right before my eyes.
How fast it sleeping baby on my chest, just as I suspected now prefers wiggles to snuggles, wont sit still long enough for me to smell her hair, and is ok with hanging out ROLLING (did I mention she now ROLLS) on the floor with her toys rather than in my arms singing to sleep. I knew the moments of us together at night would pass, I just don't think I could have ever grasped how quickly they would leave. As weepy as I get about my little wee one, I am ever overjoyed at the growth, personality and spirit my baby one has begun to write on my new memories. Every day brings a new fun discovery a new burst of energy and a new facet to my little precious girl. So as month 4 ever so suddenly chases down month 5 I am once again, reminding myself how fast these days fly, and striving to remember every ounce of these days together.
So with that I will leave you with a real time glimpse into how our days look now...slobbery, expression filled, and independent....
Happy 4 months little one.
P.S. Any votes on if we can consider this teething?!?