Tuesday, August 16, 2011

6 months...and then some


My almost crawling, "mama" saying, barrel rolling, giggling, playing, green pea eating, dancing 6 MONTH OLD GIRL!!!!

Annabelle Grace is 6 months and counting and GROWING up SO FAST! How did she go from the 6lb baby to a 14+ lb little girl in 6 little months?!?!

This little one is bound to keep me on my toes, she is always moving, always kicking, turning, rolling and playing.  There is never a still moment, which is probably why I am 2 months behind on getting around to any sort of update.  BUT...Today is the day! I have decided to forgo my shower and blog instead (sorry B-dub) but it had to happen!  Every day I think of something new I need/want to share and as the days turn into weeks my girl grows and grows and I fail to document the little and big milestones that are shaping her into who she is becoming.

The last 2 months Annabelle and I have set up sort of a daily routine that works for us...for the most part.    We eat, play, walk, sleep, crawl, read, sleep, play in some sort of that order.  We fill in the blanks with weekly bursts of spontaneity that keep us both entertained, but for the most part we are a pretty predictable duo.   Of course not today, the day I have taken to writing, our usual hour nap has turned into me going upstairs to resoothe and re-lay down 4 times now...going on 5.  

Fast forward 8 hours...I am back determined to finish my update!  Of course as I am typing that we are in a routine, Annabelle decides that today she is only happy sleeping in my arms so of course I oblige.  I held her until she decided she couldn't be held anymore, I love those moments!  My little independent girl, giving in and letting me know today she would like nothing more than a partner, a little help from her best buddy...mom.

So yes, we have a full spirited 6 month old on our hands, who loves anything out of the ordinary, a quick gasp from an unexpected direction, a sudden burst of song, lulu running around the corner, a dance from dad, these things suit her fancy and tickle her funny bone.  So we do them a lot, as in all the time, and we LOVE it!  We have had many confirmed outbursts of "mama" or "mamamamama" or just plain "Mooom" little one knows just who to call when she wants something.  No doubt this has started a firestorm of Dad and her practicing "dada" at any and every moment they are together, which I can't say that I blame B-dub.  I am looking forward to hearing "dada" too.

So now for a few firsts....

In the past 2 months Annabelle has gone to her first movie "Winnie the Pooh" she loved it (aka slept through it, along with Uncle G and B-dub) but all in all I would say it was a hit!  We had our first solo trip to see Aunt Camille, Caris, G and baby CJ, and made it out with only one diaper change/feeding pit stop and a brief period of crying, but I cant blame her for the crying, we were in construction and I felt like crying too.  Grandpa JJ got to babysit Annabelle & Caris, alone, while we had a girls night!  It was really the first time I had left her for any sort of extended time period, my dad convinced me American Idol was no place for a baby so I left her in good hands!  Came back to a happy sleeping girl, way to go JJ!!!

She had her first bite of real food, sweet potatoes, followed by avocados (which are NOT a favorite), green peas, bananas, apples, oatmeal, pears and prunes! She has done great eating, loves pretty much anything, gets hungry and also lets us know when she is full.  I have been making her baby food, which I am really enjoying.  I love so much cooking for my girl!  

She got to meet one of her Great Grandmas, Big Granny aka Grandma Peggy for the first time!  We had already met her other Great Grandma at Easter, so it was about time we got around to meeting Big Granny.  She is a lucky girl to have so many wonderful Grandmothers, I was blessed to share my grandma with her, it was so fun seeing them together.  

We took her to her first graduation ceremony, to see Aunt Jenn graduate from Texas Tech!  Go Jenn!  And on our trip she got her first fever.  Girl was a trooper going to graduation sick, she really did great, other than being a little fussy and needing an extra nap or two she was her usual smiley happy self.  When we were there, B-dub was able to introduce her to his aunts, uncles and cousins who she hadn't met before.  It was so wonderful having her meet even more of her family!

And in a few weeks she will get her FIRST boy cousin!!!  We are all anxiously awaiting baby CJ and so, so ready for him to teach us all about baby boys.  

Every day I am learning more and more about how to be a mommy, Annabelle is a good teacher :).  She teaches me to love the grocery store, by smiling up at me or giving me a laugh as we wander through the produce isle. She teaches me to love more, laugh more, appreciate the simple things (aka the zipper on her stroller, girl cant get enough of that one), to stop and give thanks for my parents, for all they have done and continue to do.  She teaches me to take my time coming in and going out, taking enough time to stop and stare at the trees and watch their leaves blow in the wind. She teaches me to hug more, smile more, that simple is sometimes so much greater than extravagant, that sometimes the rag and the diaper are just as much fun if not more that the fancy new toy that has just been purchased. She teaches me to count things like the piggys on her toes not the material things we grow so used to counting,  and that to her I am beautiful and no matter the amount of makeup I have on, or if I am dressed up or in sweats, my face is what makes her smile when she wakes up.  Who would have ever thought I could learn such lessons from my baby.  

So to my sleeping 6 month old, you are so loved little one!  We are in awe of every move you make, you  have blessed us all more than I could ever say!!!  We are so glad you are YOU!