Friday, December 17, 2010

The Joys of Irrational Thinking

I am laughing even typing it, not to provoke laughter out of anyone else, or get approval on my humor...just because I am just. that. random.

Which probably only = funny to me, but nonetheless, I am laughing.

Seriously, the randomness is ever increasing, my apologies to my family for the toll that has taken on their upcoming Christmas gifts...I felt inspired, panicked, and completely sane when picking them out.  Only to realize, one day, with 3 HUGE boxes sitting outside my door, a mailbox stuffed with trinkets and a credit card bill looming, that maybe I wasn't as inspired and as sane as I thought.  Sorry guys.  Hope you get a kick out of your random presents as much as I have!

I just typed to my sister, which in turn gave me the blog title, something along the lines like " I was going to ask you something, but decided to just buy it, the joys of my irrational thinking" which I share only because it is pretty much the theme of my existence these days.

I wait for no one when I get an idea or something I deem as reasonable pops into my head.  I just do.  Which is sort of unlike me.  Example, the other day I just decided to clean out Annabelle's closet.  No one was around, it seemed like a good idea, it was FILLED with crap, tons of B-dub's crap (sorry to call you out honey, but it was).   Paint, nails, tools all filled my sweet girls room, and I was over it.  I set to my task, not realizing that I had no place to put all this "stuff'" or that a lot of it was very heavy and slightly awkward for me to carry with my huge belly.  Nothing deterred me, my mind was set.  30 minutes later, I was knee deep in nails and some other weird little things in the nail box that had scattered from one room to the next, sweaty, out of breath, and dealing with a WAY bigger mess than I started with.  Then and only then did I realize this wasn't my best idea.

Next challenge, Christmas.  As previously mentioned, Christmas this year = random.  I am usually one that puts lots of thoughts into my presents, has unique ideas way before the deadline, knows where to purchase items, and finds a lot of joy in finding the perfect gift.  This year, I have no idea what I have done.  I am not going to give anything away, since really the only ones that read this will be the bearers of my generosity :) but let me tell you, I am not sure what went on....

B-dub yours was especially irrational.  Sorry, Annabelle and I owe you one.  To ensure my B-dub was well taken care of for Christmas, I was generous with my knowledge and let everyone in on his wish list.  What I didn't think of was the fact, that given my irrational state, I was in no place to come up with something on my own.  All ideas taken, I was forced into somewhat of a desperate search for something good for my B-dub.  Well, one good deal later and free shipping for signing a minimal contract (that I hope I didn't pay for) we have a present.....I will keep you posted on how well it goes over.

Same is true as I go down the present list, I got a spur of the moment idea, and next thing I know, BAM it was ordered and on its way.  I am not sure if I should blame it all on pregnancy hormones or the ease of online ordering, or some serious combination of the two, either way, I may need to be monitored.

My most recent randomness has spilled over into room decor and outfit choosing.  Seriously some days I get to work, look down and think, huh....I would have never put that together.  Weird.  Today I got the sympathetic "aw Tara, you look so comfy" comment at work. Maybe I took the casual Friday thing a little too far this time! LOL!

The room decorations are a little scarier, since they cost money and are somewhat permanent.  I have no idea how all my orders will come together to make my little girl's nursery complete, but I am hoping someone maybe not as hormonal as I, with an editing eye will help me put all the puzzle pieces all together.  Anyone volunteering?  Seriously, we now have a foot and a half rendition of Annabelle's name one the way to our doorstep, keeping our fingers crossed it will become the focal point of her wall.  Really?  Was that a good idea??? 

Guess we will see, until then, I may need my credit cards taken away from me while I toil away my days in front of my computer.....and a wardrobe stylist.  If left to my own devices, you may find me wandering in the men's section of Target looking for XL T-shirts pushing a basket full of weird snacks and socks...wait, I already did that.  Who knows where the hormones will take me next....

P.S. If you couldn't tell, this blog post is credit to my randomness, no thought went into it, I had a thought and 10 min later, a post.  You never have to read this one again, if you even kept reading up to this point.  My apologies :)

1 comment:

  1. hahah!! I love this post. And I think that closet cleaning is called nesting??
