Monday, May 16, 2011

Love to laugh :)

I am working on my 3 month post...which is a good thing, since in about 2 weeks my baby Annabelle will be 4 whole months!  BUT, in lieu of that update, I had to share this!

One of my favorite characteristics to date has begun to emerge in my little one!  I have been seeing signs of "pre-laughter" for quite some time now, but they have been snuffed out by the urge to cough instead of producing a gleeful noise.

Bring on week 14....I should have known my little daddy's girl would wait for week 12, 14, 22, 24  (or any other week ending with a 2 or a 4) to grace us with her joyful sound.  Those two and their numbers....

(In case you have missed previous numerical posts, B-dub loves 2, 4 and any variation, Annabelle was born on 2-2-2011, at 4:22, and come home on 4-4 etc.  My husband takes this to a greater extreme than I would like to admit, so I will spare you any more)

ANYway....we finally had laughter liftoff!  Granted, this girl is no easy sell on a full fledge laugh (B-dub says she gets this from her momma) BUT when she does it does not get any better!!  To see her face light up with glee, her head bob and when you are lucky an excited shriek all combined warms my heart to a degree I did not know possible.

Only provoked when her parents are in the mist of making complete fools of themselves (she is starting early) Annabelle does not disappoint in showing her delight.

The first little laugh was brought on my me, jumping up and down, with a sort of a shock and awe factor she found amusing.  I of course, was near passing out when it was all said and done, as it was the most physical activity I have had in a year, but nonetheless the light headed, dizzy feeling was well worth it to see my girls first giggles.

Then...a few nights later, we shot the video above.  Granted, it is just a short exert of what we were experiencing first-hand, but I think it does her giggle justice.  This bout of hilarity was nonetheless given to her daddy (who will be embarrassed by me actually typing this, but hey in the name of documentation all is fair game, right?).  Annabelle found great amusement in the fact that her daddy was wiggling, twisting, jumping, and turning about all while making a great and I must say life-like TOOT noise!

Annabelle, we can NOT wait to see all the things that bring you joy in this world.  We love our laughing girl!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Confessions of a "stay at home" mom

SO, ya, I did it!  I took the plunge and quit my job!  I am still kind of in shock.  When my 12 weeks came up, it was a no brainer...I just could not leave my little one.  What also helped was my non-profit salary and 2 hr commute every day, both combined just didn't justify the cost of childcare.  So my life as a stay at home mom began....

To be honest I have never worked so hard in my life and never loved anything so much! However, I have quickly figured out that even though I cant think of how anything else could ever be squeezed into my day, I am nonetheless a bit unproductive... Hence my confessions....

I would like to say this will become a series on the good ole blog, but seeing as one of my confessions is not blogging - I wouldn't hold my breath. :)

I confess...

On Mondays Annabelle and I stay in bed until 11.  Dont judge it works for us!  We usually have very busy weekends, so Monday our "recover" days are spent snuggling and re-bonding with each other.  I must admit they are my favorite days.

I have only been to the grocery store once by myself since giving birth.  WHO do you ask has been doing the shopping, my precious B-dub, along with everything else...see confessions to come.

I have nice sweats, and every day sweats, and thats about it.

I have not lost all my baby weight.  Who knows when/if that day will come.

I cant figure out how to do more than one chore a day, seriously you would think I am home all day, why couldn't I at least clean the house...maybe see confession #1 ;)

I hold my baby when she naps, I know, spare me the lecture.  Its what I do.  I figure one day, she will be at college napping on her own, so I am enjoying my time with her.

Some days I cant remember if I brushed my teeth.

I still have thank you cards to write, not that I am not thankful. I am so thankful, I just haven't sat down and actually done it.

I have only cooked dinner 3 times since having AB, and once B-dub couldn't even eat it, it was so bad.

I let AB watch the real housewives of...(fill in the blank) I am addicted, hopefully it wont sink in to her too much.

I have never loved my husband more than I do now.  He is the perfect dad I always knew he would be, he just loves Annabelle so much, she is a lucky girl!

AB still sleeps in our room, and I sort of tear up to think that wont always be.  There is just something about having my family all together at night that brings peace to my heart

I love the paci and so does AB :)

I thought labor hurt, I have heard so many people say, you know it wasn't so bad...I beg to differ, but I would do it again in a heartbeat...

I check facebook way more than any one person should, but what else do you do when you nurse 8 times a day?

I like that I am the only one that can rock Annabelle to sleep.

I call the Dr for EVERYTHING...or make Bobby call.

I stare at Annabelle when she sleeps, I cant believe she is actually mine.

I will do anything to get a smile out of her, including but not limited to dancing around in my pj's clucking like a chicken, because she thinks its funny

I take drives to sonic on any given day just to get out of the house

Get nostalgic thinking about all the things Annabelle has already grown out of

Have a new appreciation for my mother

LOVE being Annabelle's mommy, love who she is and love that she acts and looks like her daddy

Love that I have no idea what I am doing most of the time, but love that Annabelle loves me anyway.