I am laughing even typing it, not to provoke laughter out of anyone else, or get approval on my humor...just because I am just. that. random.
Which probably only = funny to me, but nonetheless, I am laughing.
Seriously, the randomness is ever increasing, my apologies to my family for the toll that has taken on their upcoming Christmas gifts...I felt inspired, panicked, and completely sane when picking them out. Only to realize, one day, with 3 HUGE boxes sitting outside my door, a mailbox stuffed with trinkets and a credit card bill looming, that maybe I wasn't as inspired and as sane as I thought. Sorry guys. Hope you get a kick out of your random presents as much as I have!
I just typed to my sister, which in turn gave me the blog title, something along the lines like " I was going to ask you something, but decided to just buy it, the joys of my irrational thinking" which I share only because it is pretty much the theme of my existence these days.
I wait for no one when I get an idea or something I deem as reasonable pops into my head. I just do. Which is sort of unlike me. Example, the other day I just decided to clean out Annabelle's closet. No one was around, it seemed like a good idea, it was FILLED with crap, tons of B-dub's crap (sorry to call you out honey, but it was). Paint, nails, tools all filled my sweet girls room, and I was over it. I set to my task, not realizing that I had no place to put all this "stuff'" or that a lot of it was very heavy and slightly awkward for me to carry with my huge belly. Nothing deterred me, my mind was set. 30 minutes later, I was knee deep in nails and some other weird little things in the nail box that had scattered from one room to the next, sweaty, out of breath, and dealing with a WAY bigger mess than I started with. Then and only then did I realize this wasn't my best idea.
Next challenge, Christmas. As previously mentioned, Christmas this year = random. I am usually one that puts lots of thoughts into my presents, has unique ideas way before the deadline, knows where to purchase items, and finds a lot of joy in finding the perfect gift. This year, I have no idea what I have done. I am not going to give anything away, since really the only ones that read this will be the bearers of my generosity :) but let me tell you, I am not sure what went on....
B-dub yours was especially irrational. Sorry, Annabelle and I owe you one. To ensure my B-dub was well taken care of for Christmas, I was generous with my knowledge and let everyone in on his wish list. What I didn't think of was the fact, that given my irrational state, I was in no place to come up with something on my own. All ideas taken, I was forced into somewhat of a desperate search for something good for my B-dub. Well, one good deal later and free shipping for signing a minimal contract (that I hope I didn't pay for) we have a present.....I will keep you posted on how well it goes over.
Same is true as I go down the present list, I got a spur of the moment idea, and next thing I know, BAM it was ordered and on its way. I am not sure if I should blame it all on pregnancy hormones or the ease of online ordering, or some serious combination of the two, either way, I may need to be monitored.
My most recent randomness has spilled over into room decor and outfit choosing. Seriously some days I get to work, look down and think, huh....I would have never put that together. Weird. Today I got the sympathetic "aw Tara, you look so comfy" comment at work. Maybe I took the casual Friday thing a little too far this time! LOL!
The room decorations are a little scarier, since they cost money and are somewhat permanent. I have no idea how all my orders will come together to make my little girl's nursery complete, but I am hoping someone maybe not as hormonal as I, with an editing eye will help me put all the puzzle pieces all together. Anyone volunteering? Seriously, we now have a foot and a half rendition of Annabelle's name one the way to our doorstep, keeping our fingers crossed it will become the focal point of her wall. Really? Was that a good idea???
Guess we will see, until then, I may need my credit cards taken away from me while I toil away my days in front of my computer.....and a wardrobe stylist. If left to my own devices, you may find me wandering in the men's section of Target looking for XL T-shirts pushing a basket full of weird snacks and socks...wait, I already did that. Who knows where the hormones will take me next....
P.S. If you couldn't tell, this blog post is credit to my randomness, no thought went into it, I had a thought and 10 min later, a post. You never have to read this one again, if you even kept reading up to this point. My apologies :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Updates...baby-dub style
Annabelle, me, and the now nursery in our house have all been busy these days, undergoing lots and lots of changes to make way for our Annabelle's big day! Each one of these changes are met with lots of excitement, a little anxiety, and tons of joy as we all get ready for our little girl! Every decision, growth, update and new development are thought on, pondered over, analyzed and discussed to make sure everything is perfect for our new arrival!
From the ever expanding waistline, to my sweet girls face on the 4D screen, to the blush pink we painted her walls we are all changing, adapting and preparing for Annabelle's life outside! And I must add, now that we are getting to the last couple of months, we are getting increasingly anxious for our girl to get here!! Hard to believe we have to wait 7 1/2 more weeks to finally meet our AB.
My original thought was to put all 3 of our changes in one post, but based on the fact, that 1. I have to muster up the courage to actually upload the belly pics to their permanent home in the computer and 2. I haven't done it yet, the belly pics will have to come in a second installment.
BUT!!!! I do have something WAY more exciting to share! Our 32 week photos of our girl, taken yesterday have really sent the wheels of excitement spinning. We got to see our sweet Annabelle up close and personal, almost as if we should just pick her up and hold her in our arms. Oh, how I cant wait for that day. To finally meet my girl. I guess a picture will have to do until them, along with her constant jabs, twirls and occasional painful kick or two, I will take what I can get to give her, her time to grow, grow, grow! She's doing excellent in the growth department, with an estimated weight at 4.2 lbs as of week 32+1 day. At this rate she will be bigger than any of us if she is born on her due date :) I do think sometimes those estimations are a little on the large side, but we shall see. Her little heart was beating strong at 144 beats per minute, we got our 3rd confirmed sighting that she is indeed a girl, and were able to see her little pouty lips an Bobby nose up close! What a sight to behold. Beyond miraculous.
Pause here for a tissue break....oh wait, is that just me that needs one, gotcha....moving on. :)
CAN you believe that is in my belly?!?! I am in constant awe! What an amazing, amazing miracle. Oh, yes, did I mention, she has HAIR! My baby....HAIR?!?! I was bald until I was 3 and go through days still where I think I am balding, but nonetheless there was confirmed hair sighting, and not just peach fuzz. Our technician said it is little hair floating on her head, none that you can see here in these pics, but on the screen in other views I saw it with my own eyes, little hair! I will put my official guess in that she has dark hair, everyone keeps telling me it will be light, but for some reason I am thinking otherwise :)
Quite the update from her last the last photo session, right?!?!
Bobby and I are bubbling over with excitement and anticipation to meet our girl. Imagine anticipation of Christmas morning times a thousand!!! Plus side, since Christmas morning is actually on the way, it is coming way quicker than usual, almost as if its is just a little mile marker in our journey to meet our baby. Not to diminish the importance of Christmas by any means, just all the glittery presents and material things we look forward to so much on that morning pale in comparison to the gift we have been given in our little baby.
Not to try and make this the longest post in blogger history, but I do have some other updates to share. Our nursery is FINALLY underway. Now with 2 pieces of furniture in place, and one on the way, it almost feels like we are starting to be parents. Her room is turning into the sanctuary I imagined, maybe just because of the love that has gone into every ounce of the process from all our family & friends. It is a space bathed with love! Just as I had hoped.
Daddy-dub has been in full installation mode as each furniture piece has landed on our doorstep! He is getting pretty good and reading and following instructions, and making all the pieces actually look like the picture!
Here is her crib in the put-together process, and finally at the end with her bedding and tutu waiting her arrival. How cool is it to think, that our baby will be sleeping HERE! A thought that keeps my mind full, every day.
54 days to go, I am counting each one. Bathing them with prayer and looking at them with excitement, anticipation and joy. I am feeling more like a mommy more and more every day. A transformation that is completely out of this world!
Annabelle, your daddy and I are so excited to meet you! Love you sweet one!
From the ever expanding waistline, to my sweet girls face on the 4D screen, to the blush pink we painted her walls we are all changing, adapting and preparing for Annabelle's life outside! And I must add, now that we are getting to the last couple of months, we are getting increasingly anxious for our girl to get here!! Hard to believe we have to wait 7 1/2 more weeks to finally meet our AB.
My original thought was to put all 3 of our changes in one post, but based on the fact, that 1. I have to muster up the courage to actually upload the belly pics to their permanent home in the computer and 2. I haven't done it yet, the belly pics will have to come in a second installment.
BUT!!!! I do have something WAY more exciting to share! Our 32 week photos of our girl, taken yesterday have really sent the wheels of excitement spinning. We got to see our sweet Annabelle up close and personal, almost as if we should just pick her up and hold her in our arms. Oh, how I cant wait for that day. To finally meet my girl. I guess a picture will have to do until them, along with her constant jabs, twirls and occasional painful kick or two, I will take what I can get to give her, her time to grow, grow, grow! She's doing excellent in the growth department, with an estimated weight at 4.2 lbs as of week 32+1 day. At this rate she will be bigger than any of us if she is born on her due date :) I do think sometimes those estimations are a little on the large side, but we shall see. Her little heart was beating strong at 144 beats per minute, we got our 3rd confirmed sighting that she is indeed a girl, and were able to see her little pouty lips an Bobby nose up close! What a sight to behold. Beyond miraculous.
Pause here for a tissue break....oh wait, is that just me that needs one, gotcha....moving on. :)
CAN you believe that is in my belly?!?! I am in constant awe! What an amazing, amazing miracle. Oh, yes, did I mention, she has HAIR! My baby....HAIR?!?! I was bald until I was 3 and go through days still where I think I am balding, but nonetheless there was confirmed hair sighting, and not just peach fuzz. Our technician said it is little hair floating on her head, none that you can see here in these pics, but on the screen in other views I saw it with my own eyes, little hair! I will put my official guess in that she has dark hair, everyone keeps telling me it will be light, but for some reason I am thinking otherwise :)
Quite the update from her last the last photo session, right?!?!
Bobby and I are bubbling over with excitement and anticipation to meet our girl. Imagine anticipation of Christmas morning times a thousand!!! Plus side, since Christmas morning is actually on the way, it is coming way quicker than usual, almost as if its is just a little mile marker in our journey to meet our baby. Not to diminish the importance of Christmas by any means, just all the glittery presents and material things we look forward to so much on that morning pale in comparison to the gift we have been given in our little baby.
Not to try and make this the longest post in blogger history, but I do have some other updates to share. Our nursery is FINALLY underway. Now with 2 pieces of furniture in place, and one on the way, it almost feels like we are starting to be parents. Her room is turning into the sanctuary I imagined, maybe just because of the love that has gone into every ounce of the process from all our family & friends. It is a space bathed with love! Just as I had hoped.
Here is her crib in the put-together process, and finally at the end with her bedding and tutu waiting her arrival. How cool is it to think, that our baby will be sleeping HERE! A thought that keeps my mind full, every day.
54 days to go, I am counting each one. Bathing them with prayer and looking at them with excitement, anticipation and joy. I am feeling more like a mommy more and more every day. A transformation that is completely out of this world!
Annabelle, your daddy and I are so excited to meet you! Love you sweet one!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Showers of Blessings
"There shall be showers of blessing:
This is the promise of love;
There shall be seasons refreshing,
Sent from the Savior above. "
Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved hymns...like the good old Baptist Hymns. I love finding the pages, singing every verse, knowing all the parts that were funny to sing high and sing low. Laughing with my sisters on how silly we could make them sound and truly basking in their meaning. There is just nothing that can replace a good old hymn in my book.
The last few weeks I haven't been able to get this tune out of my head. Every time I start thinking on the last 8 months, this seems to be the theme. We have been showered with blessings, sent from the Savior above, indeed. Blessings beyoned imagination, blessings that could come from no one else that our Lord.
I could write and write on all we have received, each item, note, thought, word of encouragement, deserves a post of their own. Oh how I cherish each one. To know my girl is so loved brings me a joy I could have never imagined. My family, friends, and loved ones have all gone above and beyond to help shower us with blessings. All out of love for our new little girl.
I cant help but think, that above all the beautiful things we have been given what Annabelle's true blessings are, are the people that are doing the showering. She has been blessed, before birth, with an amazing group of people that love her already, love her mom and dad deeply, and most importantly love our Lord so genuinely. What a lucky girl. She is already surrounded by people who pray for her and who will from the day she is born point her in the direction of where these blessings are from. What a feeling of peace that brings.
I could and may, write several installments on my showers of blessings, but I will start somewhere, and I guess that is here :)
In good old fashion baby welcoming, we have been blessed with several "showers" that have all brought friends from near and far, pink and ruffles galore, tears of joy and sweet celebration of our little one. Our first bought of the precipitation of gifts was in literary form. Our wonderful friends Charlie & Heather, one month after the arrival their new love, Carter, organized a "book shower" to give people from all different parts of our life a chance to share some of their knowledge, wisdom, and childhood favorites to our newest family member. Each person was given a week, to send a book to little Annabelle and instructed to include a note inside the book for Annabelle to remember who gifted that particular book and why they felt she needed those words they chose for her.
What a delight this has been. Every few days or so a new book arrives on our doorstep. Each baring the unique personality and love from another family member or friend. We have received ones that make us cry, ones that make us laugh...and our latest, ones like this!
For those that know us well, you will know just who this came from. But for privacy sake, the gift-er shall remain nameless ;)
HILARIOUS, was just added to our list. I am sure Annabelle & Daddy will love reading this one.
Our books do more than tell stories to our girl, they have shaped up into telling the stories of our family, our relationships, and given a glimpse of our childhood to our little girl. They will be treasured by us for a lifetime.
Our second shower, was more like a downpour as my sisters and dear friends worked tirelessly to throw us the prettiest pink party I have ever seen. Complete with peony's and puffy skirts, our party was one that I could write and write about.
I will spare you the lengthy detail. But let me say, we were loved.
From the invitations that brought tears to my eyes to the precious items each brought by someone so dear, we had the perfect day, Annabelle and I.
Pause here for a brief pictorial....
A party fit for a princess! Complete with carriage (of bassinet in this case), fancy dresses, and beautiful memories. A huge thanks to all my girls that made this day so very special. Annabelle and I are so lucky to have such wonderful women to love and care for us so, so much. They worked so hard to make the day perfect for this mommy to be, and it was just that....perfect.
With one more party day on the books, by the end of this weekend Annabelle and I will be some very clean ladies thanks to all this "showering".
I have so looked forward to and loved each of these moments with the women in my life who have brought me to the point of now being a mommy. Each one has touched me in such an inspiring way, I am so grateful Annabelle will have the same embrace I have been so lucky to experience.
"Showers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need:
Mercy-drops round us are falling,
But for the showers we plead."
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
It is not every day I can say I relate to a Biblical Figure, not that I don't try, pray, seek after, and strive to discover a oneness with our spiritual ancestors. I don't even know if relate is quite the right word to use here, but due to lack of a better term it will do.
Motherhood has a unique way of uniting. It is something so universal and so unique at the same time. It is mind-boggling to know that this gift I am experiencing has been experienced and shared by women everywhere since the beginning of time.
Maybe united is a better way to articulate my feeling, either way I am unbelievably honored to relate, and so humbled to share this experience of motherhood not only with women everywhere, but one in particular. Mary, the mother of Jesus, a Saint by all regards, the holiest of figures, the chosen one, the one person in the bible who is perhaps the most un-relateable has been on my mind these last few days. A particular passage has been ringing in my head the last week or so, making me so aware of this blessing of motherhood. There are just so many things about Mary that we will never understand, never know, never have a glimpse of comprehending. The fact that she was chosen above everyone to carry and nurture our Saviour, is something that is just so unbelievable, so divine and so holy, one will never understand. But something that unites us all to her, is the fact that she was in fact, a mother. Making her and us a part of this mysterious and miraculous bond. Mary knew the love a mother knows. Something I am so honored to experience. Something so unexplainable, I could never put it into words.
In the beginning of Luke, he tells us his version of Jesus' birth. Mary is confronted by not only the joy of being a first time mom, but also is overwhelmed by the meaning of her child. Her story so unconventional, rings in my ears, over and over, this one particular sentiment is something that plays in my mind.
Verse 19 "But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart"
Although her experience was on the level of cosmic proportions. I too feel this overwhelming need to treasure up all these things I have experienced over the last 7 months, and will for the rest of my life ponder them in my heart. Her ponderings no doubt are something I could never understand, but for some reason I feel that Luke captured the essence of a mother's heat in this one passage, these things that surround our child, the celebration of their arrival, the miraculousness of their birth, the joy they bring, and the trepidation embarking on motherhood holds...is all embodied here with Mary. The mother of all creation. She too had this overwhelming desire to treasure up all the things concerning her child and knew just how special each thing, big or small brought to her baby and to the rest of the world.
This last weekend was one of those moments where I was overwhelmed by the blessing motherhood brings. A bit more conventional than shepherds and angels, wise men and mangers...my experience this weekend brought me to my knees in thankfulness. Humbled by the love of so many, the thoughtfulness of all that I hold so close, my child was celebrated. I was paralyzed in thankfulness. I could do nothing more than at times just sit back and ponder the significance and blessing of motherhood. Bringing me to a place of complete gratitude and awe of our Lord.
I am not sure I can even begin to express the depth of my emotion, in fact I am probably sending everyone who reads this to a point of complete confusion. But this generosity, this embrace, this love, has become my treasure. Nothing anything material could ever compete with, nor could all the money in the world buy. My treasure is a divine blessing sent in the form of my bouncing baby in my belly, my loving family, my generous friends, and my extraordinary husband. A joy I could never articulate, but one that will stay with me throughout my lifetime, and one I will ponder over and over on until the day I die.
This miracle of motherhood, is one that becomes even more miraculous as the days pass. I can only imagine what emotions are to come.
To all that show us the Lord's blessings and love, to all that embrace us as their own, to all that celebrate our sweet girl, we are eternally grateful....you are treasured.
Motherhood has a unique way of uniting. It is something so universal and so unique at the same time. It is mind-boggling to know that this gift I am experiencing has been experienced and shared by women everywhere since the beginning of time.
Maybe united is a better way to articulate my feeling, either way I am unbelievably honored to relate, and so humbled to share this experience of motherhood not only with women everywhere, but one in particular. Mary, the mother of Jesus, a Saint by all regards, the holiest of figures, the chosen one, the one person in the bible who is perhaps the most un-relateable has been on my mind these last few days. A particular passage has been ringing in my head the last week or so, making me so aware of this blessing of motherhood. There are just so many things about Mary that we will never understand, never know, never have a glimpse of comprehending. The fact that she was chosen above everyone to carry and nurture our Saviour, is something that is just so unbelievable, so divine and so holy, one will never understand. But something that unites us all to her, is the fact that she was in fact, a mother. Making her and us a part of this mysterious and miraculous bond. Mary knew the love a mother knows. Something I am so honored to experience. Something so unexplainable, I could never put it into words.
In the beginning of Luke, he tells us his version of Jesus' birth. Mary is confronted by not only the joy of being a first time mom, but also is overwhelmed by the meaning of her child. Her story so unconventional, rings in my ears, over and over, this one particular sentiment is something that plays in my mind.
Verse 19 "But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart"
Although her experience was on the level of cosmic proportions. I too feel this overwhelming need to treasure up all these things I have experienced over the last 7 months, and will for the rest of my life ponder them in my heart. Her ponderings no doubt are something I could never understand, but for some reason I feel that Luke captured the essence of a mother's heat in this one passage, these things that surround our child, the celebration of their arrival, the miraculousness of their birth, the joy they bring, and the trepidation embarking on motherhood holds...is all embodied here with Mary. The mother of all creation. She too had this overwhelming desire to treasure up all the things concerning her child and knew just how special each thing, big or small brought to her baby and to the rest of the world.
This last weekend was one of those moments where I was overwhelmed by the blessing motherhood brings. A bit more conventional than shepherds and angels, wise men and mangers...my experience this weekend brought me to my knees in thankfulness. Humbled by the love of so many, the thoughtfulness of all that I hold so close, my child was celebrated. I was paralyzed in thankfulness. I could do nothing more than at times just sit back and ponder the significance and blessing of motherhood. Bringing me to a place of complete gratitude and awe of our Lord.
I am not sure I can even begin to express the depth of my emotion, in fact I am probably sending everyone who reads this to a point of complete confusion. But this generosity, this embrace, this love, has become my treasure. Nothing anything material could ever compete with, nor could all the money in the world buy. My treasure is a divine blessing sent in the form of my bouncing baby in my belly, my loving family, my generous friends, and my extraordinary husband. A joy I could never articulate, but one that will stay with me throughout my lifetime, and one I will ponder over and over on until the day I die.
This miracle of motherhood, is one that becomes even more miraculous as the days pass. I can only imagine what emotions are to come.
To all that show us the Lord's blessings and love, to all that embrace us as their own, to all that celebrate our sweet girl, we are eternally grateful....you are treasured.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Pretty in Pink
So, we did it (and by we, I mean me agonizing, analyzing, photo taking, picture emailing, doubting, having Bobby make 3 trips to the paint store, camouflaging our walls in various shades and then finally deciding to make B-dub make the final call) decided to paint our little Annabelle's room P I N K! I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE pink, it just somehow has developed a stigma throughout time that all things pink are extra girly, extra frilly, extra...well just extra is a good word to describe it I guess. I get that pink is girly, but we are GIRLS...right!??!? I am not sure how one color is so fully embraced and fully despised all at the same time. I am all for a few girly moves, but had a little hang-up on us going over the top with pink, giving our sweet girl a lifetime despise for the color. However, before my rant turns into a rave...I will stop here about pink, no matter how you slice it....
we painted pink (and by WE - I mean, my b-dub starting at 7:00 a.m. on both of his days off accompanied by his parents, who locked themselves in the nursery, so the fumes wouldn't get into the rest of the house, painted dusk til dawn, stopping only for food and necessary trips to the bathroom). TGFIL (Thank goodness for in-laws). I think my paint crew rivaled any make-over show on any cable network, these guys were full painting pros. In less than 48 hours, they turned our khaki cave into a pretty nursery for our little Annabelle. This unlike many jobs, was two jobs rolled into one, or maybe four jobs rolled into two...You see we (please refer to my previous definition of we here) painted her room, then her bathroom, then ceiling in her room, THEN ceiling in her bathroom....a hefty feat. EVERYTHING in these spaces, ceiling included was a deep khaki color that just wasn't fitting into my vision for my girls nursery. Don't get me wrong, I like the color...in fact, every other room in our house is that color, I just felt like we needed something a little different for our baby girl.
So my crew, that I am entirely indebted to, spent their entire weekend helping us get Annabelle's room - pretty in pink. It feels like finally her room is taking form, I am already picturing a little nightlight in the corner, pretty music piping through the space, the soft glow of a lamp in the corner, and my little girl sleeping soundly in the space that was made just for her. An image that brings tears to my eyes, even as I am typing. Not because of anything material that we do, make, or put in the room for her, but because it is all for HER! Our precious girl.
Daddy-Dub was on a mission this weekend, to take the whole project and complete it to perfection...without the help of hired hands. Something me and a few others tried to talk him out of :) but Mission baby room was on his mind, and he was set to conquer it with everything he had! And conquer he did!
Mission baby room had 2 op teams this weekend ( my husband will either be proud of me for using military terms here, or ashamed at my lack of knowledge & misuse of them), our painting op team that I have told you about and our second op team, I like to call the shopping op team. I was on the second team... Don't let the title fool you, our second op team was not your usual, toned, trained, and condition team you may be more familiar with when you think mission force...in fact, it was very much the opposite. We were there in mental force (or at least we were for the most part) but the team being comprised of me ( BIG baby belly in tow, swelling feet, and hungry most of the time) and my mom, who under normal circumstance would have been able to paint the room, the bathroom, shop, and cook dinner all in one day, is still recovering from knee replacement surgery, she had less than 6 weeks ago!!! Trooper....I would say so. After weeks of me chomping at the bit to get her to come down, and weeks of not asking because I knew she just couldn't, my mom was a warrior and decided she was up for the trip! Annabelle & I both were VERY glad she came! Nevertheless you could say we weren't operating at full capacity. However, we figured out that with the right amount of snacks - appropriately timed, comfy chairs, and stores with bathrooms we could really function ok. We got a LOT of fun things accomplished for our little one, things I COULD NOT HAVE DONE WITHOUT the help of my two teams. B-dub and I feel so beyond blessed to have so many people helping us prepare for and welcoming our little love. I don't know what we would do without the many, many hands of our family and friends that are willing to go above and beyond to make this nesting process go as smoothly as possible! A thank you would never be enough!
I cant wait to tell Annabelle about all the help her sweet family gave her mommy and daddy as we prepared for her arrival. She is one very lucky girl. And we are some very lucky parents. The loving touch that has literally stroked her walls, paced her floors, and picked her decorations will all be embraced by not only me, but Annabelle as well. Her room will be the perfect reminder for all of us of just how much love we are surrounded by, every second of every day by our families.
we painted pink (and by WE - I mean, my b-dub starting at 7:00 a.m. on both of his days off accompanied by his parents, who locked themselves in the nursery, so the fumes wouldn't get into the rest of the house, painted dusk til dawn, stopping only for food and necessary trips to the bathroom). TGFIL (Thank goodness for in-laws). I think my paint crew rivaled any make-over show on any cable network, these guys were full painting pros. In less than 48 hours, they turned our khaki cave into a pretty nursery for our little Annabelle. This unlike many jobs, was two jobs rolled into one, or maybe four jobs rolled into two...You see we (please refer to my previous definition of we here) painted her room, then her bathroom, then ceiling in her room, THEN ceiling in her bathroom....a hefty feat. EVERYTHING in these spaces, ceiling included was a deep khaki color that just wasn't fitting into my vision for my girls nursery. Don't get me wrong, I like the color...in fact, every other room in our house is that color, I just felt like we needed something a little different for our baby girl.
So my crew, that I am entirely indebted to, spent their entire weekend helping us get Annabelle's room - pretty in pink. It feels like finally her room is taking form, I am already picturing a little nightlight in the corner, pretty music piping through the space, the soft glow of a lamp in the corner, and my little girl sleeping soundly in the space that was made just for her. An image that brings tears to my eyes, even as I am typing. Not because of anything material that we do, make, or put in the room for her, but because it is all for HER! Our precious girl.
Daddy-Dub was on a mission this weekend, to take the whole project and complete it to perfection...without the help of hired hands. Something me and a few others tried to talk him out of :) but Mission baby room was on his mind, and he was set to conquer it with everything he had! And conquer he did!
the PINK, still drying, but perfectly done :) |
Our pink room!! |
Mission baby room had 2 op teams this weekend ( my husband will either be proud of me for using military terms here, or ashamed at my lack of knowledge & misuse of them), our painting op team that I have told you about and our second op team, I like to call the shopping op team. I was on the second team... Don't let the title fool you, our second op team was not your usual, toned, trained, and condition team you may be more familiar with when you think mission force...in fact, it was very much the opposite. We were there in mental force (or at least we were for the most part) but the team being comprised of me ( BIG baby belly in tow, swelling feet, and hungry most of the time) and my mom, who under normal circumstance would have been able to paint the room, the bathroom, shop, and cook dinner all in one day, is still recovering from knee replacement surgery, she had less than 6 weeks ago!!! Trooper....I would say so. After weeks of me chomping at the bit to get her to come down, and weeks of not asking because I knew she just couldn't, my mom was a warrior and decided she was up for the trip! Annabelle & I both were VERY glad she came! Nevertheless you could say we weren't operating at full capacity. However, we figured out that with the right amount of snacks - appropriately timed, comfy chairs, and stores with bathrooms we could really function ok. We got a LOT of fun things accomplished for our little one, things I COULD NOT HAVE DONE WITHOUT the help of my two teams. B-dub and I feel so beyond blessed to have so many people helping us prepare for and welcoming our little love. I don't know what we would do without the many, many hands of our family and friends that are willing to go above and beyond to make this nesting process go as smoothly as possible! A thank you would never be enough!
I cant wait to tell Annabelle about all the help her sweet family gave her mommy and daddy as we prepared for her arrival. She is one very lucky girl. And we are some very lucky parents. The loving touch that has literally stroked her walls, paced her floors, and picked her decorations will all be embraced by not only me, but Annabelle as well. Her room will be the perfect reminder for all of us of just how much love we are surrounded by, every second of every day by our families.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
It only took one ENTIRE week, away, with my husband, no dishes, laundry, work of any kind and one comfortable pair of tennis shoes....
My sweet husband planned us the perfect babymoon to celebrate our little Annabelle's upcoming arrival, and I must say, it did not come one moment too soon. We were both ready, after several busy weeks at work, just to get away. A small plug for babymoon's...they are a must. We had the best time, I slept in, went to the candy store every day :) and I had my husband beside me all day for an entire week! It was wonderful.
We celebrated first by visiting our sweet friends Charlie & Heather and their new little guy Carter. Who I must say has the most AWESOME hair of any 9 week old. That kid is seriously stylin. Carter was SUCH a joy to get to hang out with (as were his sweet parents). I think he may have us a little spoiled, we slept right beside his room for 3 nights and the boy did not wake us up once! He was a perfect gentleman, I told Robert not to get his hopes up for those nights...I have a feeling little miss Annabelle may have a slightly different schedule :)
We had such a great time with our friends, with the BONUS of getting to practice a little with a their little one. Tennessee in the Fall may be a must for the Whites from now on, between the leaves, the great company, the cutest trick or treaters I have ever seen, and something a little magical they call "Sweet- Cece's" (frozen yogurt, that oh ya they give you FREE if you are pregnant) we are sold on our Fall destination!
Our next stop on our little getaway was to Charleston, neither B-dub or I had ever been and decided it was the perfect place to settle in for a few days. Robert found the most amazing cottages I have ever seen, so perfect and quaint, like our own little page out of a pottery barn magazine. So there we set up shop. Complete with fireplace, cookies & milk in the afternoon, screened in porch, and a comfy couch, this prego was in Heaven! Robert let me sleep in every day, brought me breakfast in bed, and insisted I only wear my tennis shoes...much to my complaints (although I was secretly jumping for joy). We saw the city, ate at the most fabulous restaurants, bought our little Annabelle a very pretty treat, and walked the beach to our hearts content. Of course most of which we did NOT get photo documentation of...it is a little challenging taking pictures when you are on your own. Nevertheless we had a trip perfect for us and perfect for our little one who was along for the ride.
A few of our pics...
Now the fun begins...we are in full baby mode as we enter the last trimester, things around the White House are shaping up to be VERY interesting in the coming days. My B-dub is tackling the paining of the nursery this weekend, complete with ceiling paint, bathroom walls, and bathroom ceiling....YIKES! Glad I can opt out of the duty. However, I will be keeping myself busy preparing in other realms, furniture shopping, accessorizing and keeping our fingers crossed we can get it all done!
12 weeks and 5 days...We CANT WAIT for our girl to get here!!!
My sweet husband planned us the perfect babymoon to celebrate our little Annabelle's upcoming arrival, and I must say, it did not come one moment too soon. We were both ready, after several busy weeks at work, just to get away. A small plug for babymoon's...they are a must. We had the best time, I slept in, went to the candy store every day :) and I had my husband beside me all day for an entire week! It was wonderful.
We celebrated first by visiting our sweet friends Charlie & Heather and their new little guy Carter. Who I must say has the most AWESOME hair of any 9 week old. That kid is seriously stylin. Carter was SUCH a joy to get to hang out with (as were his sweet parents). I think he may have us a little spoiled, we slept right beside his room for 3 nights and the boy did not wake us up once! He was a perfect gentleman, I told Robert not to get his hopes up for those nights...I have a feeling little miss Annabelle may have a slightly different schedule :)
Here is the little man, full smile just talking away! He is so precious!!
We had such a great time with our friends, with the BONUS of getting to practice a little with a their little one. Tennessee in the Fall may be a must for the Whites from now on, between the leaves, the great company, the cutest trick or treaters I have ever seen, and something a little magical they call "Sweet- Cece's" (frozen yogurt, that oh ya they give you FREE if you are pregnant) we are sold on our Fall destination!
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Our wonderful friends |
Our next stop on our little getaway was to Charleston, neither B-dub or I had ever been and decided it was the perfect place to settle in for a few days. Robert found the most amazing cottages I have ever seen, so perfect and quaint, like our own little page out of a pottery barn magazine. So there we set up shop. Complete with fireplace, cookies & milk in the afternoon, screened in porch, and a comfy couch, this prego was in Heaven! Robert let me sleep in every day, brought me breakfast in bed, and insisted I only wear my tennis shoes...much to my complaints (although I was secretly jumping for joy). We saw the city, ate at the most fabulous restaurants, bought our little Annabelle a very pretty treat, and walked the beach to our hearts content. Of course most of which we did NOT get photo documentation of...it is a little challenging taking pictures when you are on your own. Nevertheless we had a trip perfect for us and perfect for our little one who was along for the ride.
A few of our pics...
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B-dub and I on the beach |
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Annabelle & I on the back of our porch |
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Our family, minus the frog :) |
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Perfect sunrise |
12 weeks and 5 days...We CANT WAIT for our girl to get here!!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
No, not the hit T.V. show, today marks our official entry into week 24. 6 months. 16 week countdown. 112 days to go!
Any way you say it our little AB is on her way!! Today is a big day in the White House, as it marks a huge milestone in our time with Annabelle....and it pays tribute to my husband's obsession with the number 24. I have never been one for numerical luck, seemed a little silly to me...but B-dub on the other hand loves to point out, any chance he gets that his lucky numbers are 2 and 4. For instance, we met when he was 24 ( I think, seems like he was older, maybe I was 24, I don't know...but one of us was 24) I work on the 4th floor, HE works on the 4th floor, we got married on the 24th, one of our hospital rooms number was 4 on our emergency trip to the Dr. with Annabelle, he has put his official bid for AB's bday at 2-4-2011, this list could go on...really, on, and on, and on. I will spare you, but by now you get the gist. He LOVES the number 24.
In an effort to mark this special occasion, I will continue on my list of things I have learned pregnant...(I think the first entry for this list was dated back to week 16).
11. What I thought was big, is only getting bigger. I think this will be a theme the next 16 or so weeks.
12. The cravings everyone talks about are more than cravings actually, they are like little relentless soldiers, infiltrating every thought until they get satisfied. Case in point, I thought about a cupcake for 7 STRAIGHT days...I didn't even know that was possible. In case you are wondering, I finally ate the cupcake and it went away. Crazy.
13. My already crazy dreams have now ventured toward the point of in need of professional help, I have dreamed Annabelle decided she didn't like me, that Bobby didn't like me, that instead of me getting fat, Bobby actually did....etc. (fyi the Bobby fat dream was recent and hilarious, I was trying to get him to do crunches and he was too big to do them, only funny bc it is just SO FAR from the truth, I don't know if he appreciated it as much as I did) That is just the tip of the ice burg, I hesitate putting any more on here in fear that someone may actually turn me in.
14. The food on the belly is still a common occurrence, just as I feared it might be. Just last night, I think I may have even burned the belly a little when I dropped hot soup on it!
15. Bending over is quite a process, starting about last week it seemed increasingly difficult to put on my shoes. My limitations were fully realized when I tried to do the laundry, went to pick up a load and pulled a muscle. Maybe that means laundry is off limits from here on out....I could only hope.
16. What clothing I thought would work through my entire pregnancy (ie. pre pregnancy clothes I thought would NEVER get too small) are in fact too small. This all happened in the last week or so as well, I promise, some things I wore two weeks ago, may as well be barbie clothes now!
17. Our little AB does NOT like being woken up...much like her mommy. Every time we try to get her to move when she is not into moving, she gives us one quick jab, as to say, "ya guys, I'm here, and I'm sleeping, leave me alone" It's pretty cute if you ask me!
18. My husband has decided there is a conspiracy against pregnant women and their clothing. I happen to agree. Who knew a T-Shirt could cost $92.00!! It is quite the injustice the prices they try charging for things, especially when women are in a highly emotional state.
19. Doing a baby registry, unlike a wedding registry, CAN'T be done with just you and your spouse. I mean it can, just not with out a few tears. We tried it, proved this theory, and will never attempt again. We ended up registering for 3 bathtubs, lots of soap, and some blankets. Apparently AB will not lack a bath, she just may lack other essentials, like diapers, bedding and feeding supplies. Sorry little one!
20. Sisters, friends, and mothers that have all been down the motherhood road before are like little gems lining the path of uncertainty and excitement I find myself on. Truly do not know what I would do without their advice, calming words, encouragement, and occasional text about how fat they feel too! Love all my girls!
21. Sleeping and its unfriendly counterpart, NOT sleeping find both find their way into my daily routine, just in random order. When I am not supposed to be sleeping, I cant keep my eyes open, but in the middle of the night when EVERYONE else is sleeping, I cant seem to buy a wink. I am guessing this is the Lord's way of making me accustomed to my little ones schedule she will keep when she arrives.
22. A long day of work isn't what it used to be, before I was tired, now I am tired, sore, and swollen. Last Sat. I officially had to struggle getting my rings off after a 10 hr day outside and my entire foot had taken new form. Funny, yes, scary...heck yes! The swelling begins.....
23. My husband still deserves an award. Maybe even an eternal flame. I am guessing my thoughts may change during the mist of contractions, but until then B-dub...what would we do without you :)
24. As much fun as I have compiling this list of random "findings" no amount of discomfort, weight gain, lack of sleep, or anything else I have mentioned could take even a fraction of the amount of joy we have had already with our girl. Every second of every day is worth the learning curve, and very much enjoyed! We love every part of our growing experience and can't wait to see what is to come in the next 16 weeks! Keep it up little one, we love experiencing everything new with you!
Any way you say it our little AB is on her way!! Today is a big day in the White House, as it marks a huge milestone in our time with Annabelle....and it pays tribute to my husband's obsession with the number 24. I have never been one for numerical luck, seemed a little silly to me...but B-dub on the other hand loves to point out, any chance he gets that his lucky numbers are 2 and 4. For instance, we met when he was 24 ( I think, seems like he was older, maybe I was 24, I don't know...but one of us was 24) I work on the 4th floor, HE works on the 4th floor, we got married on the 24th, one of our hospital rooms number was 4 on our emergency trip to the Dr. with Annabelle, he has put his official bid for AB's bday at 2-4-2011, this list could go on...really, on, and on, and on. I will spare you, but by now you get the gist. He LOVES the number 24.
In an effort to mark this special occasion, I will continue on my list of things I have learned pregnant...(I think the first entry for this list was dated back to week 16).
11. What I thought was big, is only getting bigger. I think this will be a theme the next 16 or so weeks.
12. The cravings everyone talks about are more than cravings actually, they are like little relentless soldiers, infiltrating every thought until they get satisfied. Case in point, I thought about a cupcake for 7 STRAIGHT days...I didn't even know that was possible. In case you are wondering, I finally ate the cupcake and it went away. Crazy.
13. My already crazy dreams have now ventured toward the point of in need of professional help, I have dreamed Annabelle decided she didn't like me, that Bobby didn't like me, that instead of me getting fat, Bobby actually did....etc. (fyi the Bobby fat dream was recent and hilarious, I was trying to get him to do crunches and he was too big to do them, only funny bc it is just SO FAR from the truth, I don't know if he appreciated it as much as I did) That is just the tip of the ice burg, I hesitate putting any more on here in fear that someone may actually turn me in.
14. The food on the belly is still a common occurrence, just as I feared it might be. Just last night, I think I may have even burned the belly a little when I dropped hot soup on it!
15. Bending over is quite a process, starting about last week it seemed increasingly difficult to put on my shoes. My limitations were fully realized when I tried to do the laundry, went to pick up a load and pulled a muscle. Maybe that means laundry is off limits from here on out....I could only hope.
16. What clothing I thought would work through my entire pregnancy (ie. pre pregnancy clothes I thought would NEVER get too small) are in fact too small. This all happened in the last week or so as well, I promise, some things I wore two weeks ago, may as well be barbie clothes now!
17. Our little AB does NOT like being woken up...much like her mommy. Every time we try to get her to move when she is not into moving, she gives us one quick jab, as to say, "ya guys, I'm here, and I'm sleeping, leave me alone" It's pretty cute if you ask me!
18. My husband has decided there is a conspiracy against pregnant women and their clothing. I happen to agree. Who knew a T-Shirt could cost $92.00!! It is quite the injustice the prices they try charging for things, especially when women are in a highly emotional state.
19. Doing a baby registry, unlike a wedding registry, CAN'T be done with just you and your spouse. I mean it can, just not with out a few tears. We tried it, proved this theory, and will never attempt again. We ended up registering for 3 bathtubs, lots of soap, and some blankets. Apparently AB will not lack a bath, she just may lack other essentials, like diapers, bedding and feeding supplies. Sorry little one!
20. Sisters, friends, and mothers that have all been down the motherhood road before are like little gems lining the path of uncertainty and excitement I find myself on. Truly do not know what I would do without their advice, calming words, encouragement, and occasional text about how fat they feel too! Love all my girls!
21. Sleeping and its unfriendly counterpart, NOT sleeping find both find their way into my daily routine, just in random order. When I am not supposed to be sleeping, I cant keep my eyes open, but in the middle of the night when EVERYONE else is sleeping, I cant seem to buy a wink. I am guessing this is the Lord's way of making me accustomed to my little ones schedule she will keep when she arrives.
22. A long day of work isn't what it used to be, before I was tired, now I am tired, sore, and swollen. Last Sat. I officially had to struggle getting my rings off after a 10 hr day outside and my entire foot had taken new form. Funny, yes, scary...heck yes! The swelling begins.....
23. My husband still deserves an award. Maybe even an eternal flame. I am guessing my thoughts may change during the mist of contractions, but until then B-dub...what would we do without you :)
24. As much fun as I have compiling this list of random "findings" no amount of discomfort, weight gain, lack of sleep, or anything else I have mentioned could take even a fraction of the amount of joy we have had already with our girl. Every second of every day is worth the learning curve, and very much enjoyed! We love every part of our growing experience and can't wait to see what is to come in the next 16 weeks! Keep it up little one, we love experiencing everything new with you!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Mommy day
Today I decided to take a "mommy day"....after 3 very long work weeks/weekends my growing "anna"belly told me today I just couldn't go anymore. I am 2 hours in, and I already feel better! Whoever said a mental health day is just for your mental health, is just incorrect. Annabelle and I are going to use our mommy daughter day to start our preparations for her arrival! I CAN'T believe we are getting so close. Panic and excitement have both set in a bit as we realize what all we need to get squared away for our little one's arrival.
Paint, bed, room, rocker, little Annabelle clothes, diapers, bottles are all swirling in my thoughts these days. Making our little girl seem very, very real! As if my growing belly wasn't enough to convince me that she is well on her way, all these things that will ready us for her arrival are making her seem like she will be here sooner than we know it!
We are officially at 117 days until Feb. 7th, and have a lot in store for these one hundred days. We have birthdays to celebrate, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, our babymoon vacation, and lots of Annabelle fun in the coming days....really making each one of those 117 days really count.
So my mommy mission begins, I am ready to take on the challenge of making our little girl feel perfectly welcome in her new home. My deepest desire is to have a place where our girl is wonderfully celebrated, where her learning is fostered and encouraged, where she can feel safe and have the will to explore and experience all things wonderful. So as my vision expands from blank walls and Internet pages to a precious retreat for our family to grow together, I am ready! Ready to take the next 117 days, and make something completely special for our Annabelle. I am looking forward to every decision, every fabric, every trinket that will be the first visions to our new one. We are so excited for you Annabelle, we cannot wait to share this home with you and for your arrival to make it complete!
Here is a small sneak peek into the new "digs" for AB! This is the fabric we have (thanks to Grandma Machita and Grandpa JJ) ORDERED!!! for her little crib. We are loving the soft blues and coral pink....so we will see where we go from there. This however is not her crib, we are still making our final decisions on that one...more to come! And so the mommy day begins...wish us luck!
Paint, bed, room, rocker, little Annabelle clothes, diapers, bottles are all swirling in my thoughts these days. Making our little girl seem very, very real! As if my growing belly wasn't enough to convince me that she is well on her way, all these things that will ready us for her arrival are making her seem like she will be here sooner than we know it!
We are officially at 117 days until Feb. 7th, and have a lot in store for these one hundred days. We have birthdays to celebrate, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, our babymoon vacation, and lots of Annabelle fun in the coming days....really making each one of those 117 days really count.
So my mommy mission begins, I am ready to take on the challenge of making our little girl feel perfectly welcome in her new home. My deepest desire is to have a place where our girl is wonderfully celebrated, where her learning is fostered and encouraged, where she can feel safe and have the will to explore and experience all things wonderful. So as my vision expands from blank walls and Internet pages to a precious retreat for our family to grow together, I am ready! Ready to take the next 117 days, and make something completely special for our Annabelle. I am looking forward to every decision, every fabric, every trinket that will be the first visions to our new one. We are so excited for you Annabelle, we cannot wait to share this home with you and for your arrival to make it complete!
Here is a small sneak peek into the new "digs" for AB! This is the fabric we have (thanks to Grandma Machita and Grandpa JJ) ORDERED!!! for her little crib. We are loving the soft blues and coral pink....so we will see where we go from there. This however is not her crib, we are still making our final decisions on that one...more to come! And so the mommy day begins...wish us luck!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Progress Report
21 weeks and counting...
(small disclaimer, the images you are about to see are me, no makeup after a full day of work, feeling exhausted, please excuse the face, just focus your attention on the growing bump)
So, here we are 21 weeks in, my baby Annabelle is the size of a cantaloupe?!?! How crazy is that! My little cantaloupe is jumping around like crazy these days, constantly keeping me entertained and focused on trying to determine her little schedule she is on. She seems to love my morning drive, bath time, and eating. Apple (or in this case cantaloupe) doesn't fall too far from the tree it seems...
Our little AB has been on a growth spurt, through the produce isle...she has come a long way from my little poppy seed. And apparently her mom is budding along with the best of them, although I think you could categorize my growth more on the barn animal side of things rather than the produce aisle my Annabelle is experiencing. We have had a blast learning and growing together, it feels like I am in a new and exciting stage every single day. I get rounder, my belly button gets flatter, my clothes get tighter, all of which are embraced because I know that this growth is my precious girl.
We had our 20 week appointment last week, a day that we will forever hold in our hearts. We got to check on our girl, see her little nose, and try and envision what our little one will look like in 18 1/2 short weeks. She got a GREAT report, and even had all the sonogram technicians talking about how photogenic she was. They were complimenting on how well behaved she was while they were taking pictures of all her little parts, but I think they were implying she's pretty cute as well :). She was pretty relaxed in the belly that day, even resting both her arms behind her head, much like her daddy does when he sits back to relax. It was so cute seeing her recline away in her little home.
Here is our picture montage of our little growing one, first an outsiders point of view, then on to the main event! Enjoy!

(small disclaimer, the images you are about to see are me, no makeup after a full day of work, feeling exhausted, please excuse the face, just focus your attention on the growing bump)
So, here we are 21 weeks in, my baby Annabelle is the size of a cantaloupe?!?! How crazy is that! My little cantaloupe is jumping around like crazy these days, constantly keeping me entertained and focused on trying to determine her little schedule she is on. She seems to love my morning drive, bath time, and eating. Apple (or in this case cantaloupe) doesn't fall too far from the tree it seems...
Our little AB has been on a growth spurt, through the produce isle...she has come a long way from my little poppy seed. And apparently her mom is budding along with the best of them, although I think you could categorize my growth more on the barn animal side of things rather than the produce aisle my Annabelle is experiencing. We have had a blast learning and growing together, it feels like I am in a new and exciting stage every single day. I get rounder, my belly button gets flatter, my clothes get tighter, all of which are embraced because I know that this growth is my precious girl.
We had our 20 week appointment last week, a day that we will forever hold in our hearts. We got to check on our girl, see her little nose, and try and envision what our little one will look like in 18 1/2 short weeks. She got a GREAT report, and even had all the sonogram technicians talking about how photogenic she was. They were complimenting on how well behaved she was while they were taking pictures of all her little parts, but I think they were implying she's pretty cute as well :). She was pretty relaxed in the belly that day, even resting both her arms behind her head, much like her daddy does when he sits back to relax. It was so cute seeing her recline away in her little home.
Here is our picture montage of our little growing one, first an outsiders point of view, then on to the main event! Enjoy!
Me 13 weeks 5 days, still suffering from nausea and exhaustion. Please forgive!
18 weeks here, cant really see the belly, but she's there! At the apple orchard in NH, I am showing off my Annabelle sized apple. Which I later ate and she enjoyed :)
19 weeks here, the belly in all its glory
20 weeks, I felt like we had a major growth spurt here!
Now for our sweet girl...all these were take at her 20 week photo shoot.
Our little Annabelle and her profile. We cant decide if she has mine or Bobby's nose, I am leaning towards his. But what is NOT up for debate, is the fact that she has my large forehead :) love it!
Foot, also a tribute to her daddy. Based solely on the fact that they dance away all day long! She seems to love to move!
Hi there! This is her sweet face! Cant wait to see you in my arms!
(her uncle Dr. G also says this is a GREAT pic of her little heart, which was beating away at 145 beats per minute)
Hi again! Couldn't pass on another little profile pic!
There you have it. Our progress!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Last night we had the privilege of participating in a very moving & special church service with our friends. On top of watching my sweet friend Alli get baptized by her husband, I was hit with the overwhelming desire for our Annabelle to be able to sink in every ounce of that very moment - even in her little home in my belly I wanted her to be there, taking in the Lord's glory. Since we knew about our little one, I have had the burden and desire for our girl to know and trust the Lord. This is something we have been praying for her constantly and this will be our prayer for the rest of our lives. Last night I was reminded just how much I take for granted with my faith, and how it is not just a given for most people. I was reminded that this journey of faith is a daily struggle, something that she will have to have the desire to seek after and something that she will have to decide. I cant make this decision for my girl, I can only pray that her heart is open to the One who created her. The One who formed her from her tiniest of moments. The One who will comfort her when I cant, who will save her when I am not here, and who will always have the answer, even when I don't. I pray this for our girl.
Below if one of my first entries for our little one. We had an exciting beginning with our Annabelle, when I wrote this we were nervous wrecks about what the next few weeks would bring. I was reminded in such a powerful way again that we are not in control. Above all my fears, doubts about being a mommy, sleepless nights thinking about and pleading for the health of our girl, above all those things, our little one is being formed right this second by a God who loves her and longs for her. This love is the greatest gift she could ever receive, that anyone could ever receive. A gift I am eternally grateful for, not only for my life but now for the life of my little one. So with that, I share with you our prayer.
My Sweet baby.
Today you are 8 weeks 3 days old! You are still very, very tiny but it feels like we have known you for a lifetime. In some ways we have. Your dad and I have prayed and prayed for you since before we knew about you. We love you with a love that supersedes anything I have ever experienced. To be your mommy will be my biggest joy.
We have had quite the week with you , little one. 2 trips to the doctor, on to the hospital and 3 doctors phone calls have been made to ensure you safety. But to be truthful, the only one that can ensure our little miracle- you- is safe, is our Almighty God. This has been a lesson that I have been taught my entire life, and one I will teach you from the day you are born. Sometimes we are given challenges that provide instant proof, instant reassurance, instant recovery, and sometimes we are not. This is where our Faith takes over and we rest in that faith.
Faith is believing and not seeing, I truly cannot think of a better term than that in describing what we are experiencing together. You and I are bound together in body yes, but more importantly by faith. We can’t see each other, I can t check on you in the middle of the night, hold you with my arms to comfort you, or hear you sweet cries. You can t see me, the one you will call mommy, the one whose bond with you is beyond anything I have ever experienced. We know each other by faith, a beautiful and sometimes scary promise.
Your dad is so excited about you arrival and is teaching me to rest everyday in the promise that you are created by one who is so much bigger than any of us. His leading and steadfastness is something I am praying that you not only learn from him, but something you will emulate in your life. It is one of his greatest qualities…and he has a lot .
You are so loved little one, by so many. There are so many are already making preparations for your arrival and are already loving you and praying for you. I know these days will not be my last days of worry; in fact…I am afraid they are only my first. To that I give you my promise to never, never stop praying for you. This world holds many wonders and many challenges. You will find so many things that will intrigue you and want to explore. My greatest prayer is that you too will follow after the one that is creating you, Right this second! Our God is forming your little body, this week you are getting little fingers, fingers that you will use to do so many wonderful things. There is no other explanation in your creation, than that you were and are being created by a loving God. Our Loving God that has blessed us with you. Our Loving God that will protect you. Our loving God that will comfort you, provide for you, challenge you, and love you.
This is my prayer.
Love, Mommy
“Listen to me, O’ house of Jacob, all you who remain of the house of Israel, you whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since your birth. Even in you old age & gray hairs, I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you & I will carry you; I will sustain you & I will rescue you” – Isaiah 46: 3-4
Below if one of my first entries for our little one. We had an exciting beginning with our Annabelle, when I wrote this we were nervous wrecks about what the next few weeks would bring. I was reminded in such a powerful way again that we are not in control. Above all my fears, doubts about being a mommy, sleepless nights thinking about and pleading for the health of our girl, above all those things, our little one is being formed right this second by a God who loves her and longs for her. This love is the greatest gift she could ever receive, that anyone could ever receive. A gift I am eternally grateful for, not only for my life but now for the life of my little one. So with that, I share with you our prayer.
My Sweet baby.
Today you are 8 weeks 3 days old! You are still very, very tiny but it feels like we have known you for a lifetime. In some ways we have. Your dad and I have prayed and prayed for you since before we knew about you. We love you with a love that supersedes anything I have ever experienced. To be your mommy will be my biggest joy.
We have had quite the week with you , little one. 2 trips to the doctor, on to the hospital and 3 doctors phone calls have been made to ensure you safety. But to be truthful, the only one that can ensure our little miracle- you- is safe, is our Almighty God. This has been a lesson that I have been taught my entire life, and one I will teach you from the day you are born. Sometimes we are given challenges that provide instant proof, instant reassurance, instant recovery, and sometimes we are not. This is where our Faith takes over and we rest in that faith.
Faith is believing and not seeing, I truly cannot think of a better term than that in describing what we are experiencing together. You and I are bound together in body yes, but more importantly by faith. We can’t see each other, I can t check on you in the middle of the night, hold you with my arms to comfort you, or hear you sweet cries. You can t see me, the one you will call mommy, the one whose bond with you is beyond anything I have ever experienced. We know each other by faith, a beautiful and sometimes scary promise.
Your dad is so excited about you arrival and is teaching me to rest everyday in the promise that you are created by one who is so much bigger than any of us. His leading and steadfastness is something I am praying that you not only learn from him, but something you will emulate in your life. It is one of his greatest qualities…and he has a lot .
You are so loved little one, by so many. There are so many are already making preparations for your arrival and are already loving you and praying for you. I know these days will not be my last days of worry; in fact…I am afraid they are only my first. To that I give you my promise to never, never stop praying for you. This world holds many wonders and many challenges. You will find so many things that will intrigue you and want to explore. My greatest prayer is that you too will follow after the one that is creating you, Right this second! Our God is forming your little body, this week you are getting little fingers, fingers that you will use to do so many wonderful things. There is no other explanation in your creation, than that you were and are being created by a loving God. Our Loving God that has blessed us with you. Our Loving God that will protect you. Our loving God that will comfort you, provide for you, challenge you, and love you.
This is my prayer.
Love, Mommy
“Listen to me, O’ house of Jacob, all you who remain of the house of Israel, you whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since your birth. Even in you old age & gray hairs, I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you & I will carry you; I will sustain you & I will rescue you” – Isaiah 46: 3-4
Monday, September 20, 2010
In celebration of us embarking on the 20th!!!! week this week, I have to give some well deserved props to my partner in crime, better half, baby daddy, and love of my life.
My b-dub has taken to this whole daddy thing and has in the last 20 weeks become a master of all things baby. Well, maybe not all things, but he is well on his way. My googler at 4:00 in the morning when I have a weird pain, my foot rubber on demand, omelet making, fruit cutting husband has truly lived up to the Man/husband/daddy role and has exceeded any of my wildest expectations. I would never be able to express, just how lucky I am that this is who I get. This is who Annabelle gets. We love our B-dub.
My husband, although very well intentioned has not so much ever prepared a meal in his life. I mean he makes a GREAT runner to anywhere we want to get take out from, always treats me to nice fancy dinners, and will assist when I am cooking dinner any day. But master chef he is not. Well, bring on about week 7, I am bed ridden (per dr's orders) nauseous, hungry, scared, excited, and well, clueless. All I want is dinner, not take out, not store bought, real, home cooked, dinner. Enter a very frightened b-dub. I tasked him with the dinner challenge, and of course, he rose to the occasion. He informed me he was an omelet "specialist"....whatever that means. With that he whisked off to the kitchen to prepare my feast. I have never had an omelet by my so called omelet specialist husband before...so saying I was a little afraid was an understatement. I must have really scared him/threatened him, because that boy was on a mission. He chopped, sliced, grated, cubed and whisked away for the next 30 or so minutes, then hesitantly called me in and said "dinner is served". Confident. Always confident, my b-dub. I had my doubts. I entered into much to my surprise, a CLEAN kitchen, complete with table setting, place mats, napkins, silverware, fresh fruit on my plate, warm toast just out of the oven, and my omelet delivered straight to my plate like I was at a 5 star restaurant. Shocked I dug in. Hesitantly. It was FABULOUS! Best omelet I have tasted. Seriously, really delicious. My B-dub had cooked dinner, and it was EXCELLENT!
I could give example after example on how quick my husband has taken to his daddy role. But let me tell you, everything he attempts for his girls is excellent. He buys us treats, writes us notes, cleans the bathrooms, and even hangs up the HUGE mom clothes that are over the floor these days! Doesn't say a thing about that fact that the size of my usually small T-shirts, have increased to their larger counterparts. Doesn't say, "you know I'm pretty sure sweeping the floor isn't restricted for pregnant women" or point out the fact, that in fact my hands aren't broken and I am still just as capable of dinner preparing as I was before our little AB made her way into my belly. He just does all these things, no complaint, no bargaining, just out of pure love for his girls he makes our day. Every day.
Last week was a particularly hard week for this mama. Thursday, the pinnacle of my long week I was exhausted, crying (do you see a theme with the crying these days, seriously its ridiculous), irrational, and hungry and decided I needed a treat. Food treat (of course). Even though B-dub was still at work at 9:00, even more exhausted than his wife, hungry (I forgot to get him dinner) and ready to be home, he made a detour on his way home. Just for his girls. Enter our hero, tulips in hand ready to prepare my "treat". Chocolate milk it was, and I will say, it hit the spot!! My now, new favorite treat has made its way as a staple into my diet these days, strange to me, because I HATE milk! But my Annabelle seems to take to this chocolaty treat, so I let her indulge and be treated by her daddy.
With our halfway point celebration today, Annabelle and I are celebrating our B-dub! Thanking him for everything he does for us, and for all that he is!!! We love you! Looking forward to the next 20 weeks, and the rest of a lifetime with you :)
Your girls
My b-dub has taken to this whole daddy thing and has in the last 20 weeks become a master of all things baby. Well, maybe not all things, but he is well on his way. My googler at 4:00 in the morning when I have a weird pain, my foot rubber on demand, omelet making, fruit cutting husband has truly lived up to the Man/husband/daddy role and has exceeded any of my wildest expectations. I would never be able to express, just how lucky I am that this is who I get. This is who Annabelle gets. We love our B-dub.
My husband, although very well intentioned has not so much ever prepared a meal in his life. I mean he makes a GREAT runner to anywhere we want to get take out from, always treats me to nice fancy dinners, and will assist when I am cooking dinner any day. But master chef he is not. Well, bring on about week 7, I am bed ridden (per dr's orders) nauseous, hungry, scared, excited, and well, clueless. All I want is dinner, not take out, not store bought, real, home cooked, dinner. Enter a very frightened b-dub. I tasked him with the dinner challenge, and of course, he rose to the occasion. He informed me he was an omelet "specialist"....whatever that means. With that he whisked off to the kitchen to prepare my feast. I have never had an omelet by my so called omelet specialist husband before...so saying I was a little afraid was an understatement. I must have really scared him/threatened him, because that boy was on a mission. He chopped, sliced, grated, cubed and whisked away for the next 30 or so minutes, then hesitantly called me in and said "dinner is served". Confident. Always confident, my b-dub. I had my doubts. I entered into much to my surprise, a CLEAN kitchen, complete with table setting, place mats, napkins, silverware, fresh fruit on my plate, warm toast just out of the oven, and my omelet delivered straight to my plate like I was at a 5 star restaurant. Shocked I dug in. Hesitantly. It was FABULOUS! Best omelet I have tasted. Seriously, really delicious. My B-dub had cooked dinner, and it was EXCELLENT!
I could give example after example on how quick my husband has taken to his daddy role. But let me tell you, everything he attempts for his girls is excellent. He buys us treats, writes us notes, cleans the bathrooms, and even hangs up the HUGE mom clothes that are over the floor these days! Doesn't say a thing about that fact that the size of my usually small T-shirts, have increased to their larger counterparts. Doesn't say, "you know I'm pretty sure sweeping the floor isn't restricted for pregnant women" or point out the fact, that in fact my hands aren't broken and I am still just as capable of dinner preparing as I was before our little AB made her way into my belly. He just does all these things, no complaint, no bargaining, just out of pure love for his girls he makes our day. Every day.
Last week was a particularly hard week for this mama. Thursday, the pinnacle of my long week I was exhausted, crying (do you see a theme with the crying these days, seriously its ridiculous), irrational, and hungry and decided I needed a treat. Food treat (of course). Even though B-dub was still at work at 9:00, even more exhausted than his wife, hungry (I forgot to get him dinner) and ready to be home, he made a detour on his way home. Just for his girls. Enter our hero, tulips in hand ready to prepare my "treat". Chocolate milk it was, and I will say, it hit the spot!! My now, new favorite treat has made its way as a staple into my diet these days, strange to me, because I HATE milk! But my Annabelle seems to take to this chocolaty treat, so I let her indulge and be treated by her daddy.
Annabelle's new shirt! |
With our halfway point celebration today, Annabelle and I are celebrating our B-dub! Thanking him for everything he does for us, and for all that he is!!! We love you! Looking forward to the next 20 weeks, and the rest of a lifetime with you :)
Your girls
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Beef...Is it what's for dinner??
Whats for dinner?
This question, seemingly simple has been haunting, plaguing, taunting, and downright overwhelming me for...gosh I don't even know how long. However, now that I am a wife and nourishing an infant inside, I have almost come to the conclusion that throwing my hands up in surrender is really the only option.
What's for dinner? Who knows? You? Any ideas? Anyone???
Almost as annoying as the "What am I going to wear?" question, the dinner gets a less annoying rank, only because it is necessary to live. Clothes, are well, necessary for me to live, but I don't think the general population (my husband included) would agree with clothes ranking OVER food. Unfortunately.
So, ya, especially now, that my every food choice has a direct relation to my sweet Annabelle I have become even more stressed on the matter. I have no idea WHAT'S FOR DINNER!!!!
Every day, I think, contemplate, weigh my options, explore the food chain, all as a part of my inner dialogue to try and discern what is calling me that evening. I realize a lot of this could be avoided, by meal planning, but I haven't quite figured that one out. So I go spur of the moment style, which I wouldn't recommend.
Last night, while B-dub was at a meeting, I thought ALL day, what I would make. I figured he would arrive home, hungry, not up to my usual debate on what we should eat, so I tried to take matters into my own hands and figure something out. The best I could come up with - based on my pantry supplies, was paninis. Fancy, I know. So I made my plan and off to the store I went. You must understand this store trip was much simpler than most, so I thought, I needed a rotisserie chicken, spinach, pesto, and orange juice (not for the paninis just for me). I made the rounds around 6:30ish to which I have found out, if you are in the market for a rotisserie chicken, is WAY to late. All that were left were the chicken in plastic baggie things, not nearly as appetizing as the pretty plastic cases they usually come in, and for some reason the sight of the plastic baggy chicken made me gag. So, I wandered, and wandered, and wandered, looking, pleading, hoping for some other inspiration to take a hold of me so I could avoid the plastic baggy chicken. 20 min later, I gave up. Held my breath and picked a plastic chicken.
Paninis it was. Final.
Then just as I was leaving the store, Sonic caught my eye. Whoever designed Sonic in visual proximity to the Kroger is just plain mean. I was parched and decided what a FUN treat Sonic would be to bring my hard working hubby as a little surprise after a long, hard day. I pulled in the line and ordered a small sprite (my pregnancy vice) and a Vanilla Dr. Pepper. When suddenly it hit me! EVERYTHING looked like a gourmet meal, from the chili cheese hamburger (let me just interject here and be the first to say how GROSS that is, I know its gross, that just added to my surprise) to the super sonic cheese tots, I have never wanted sonic so much in my life! Especially with the thought of plastic baggy chicken sitting in my car. I refrained, then complete temptation....instead of my sprite they brought fries, weird I know...but secretly every once of me wanted to keep the fries and eat every last one of them! I had a moment of self control, sent the fries back, and that was it, my dinner was officially ruined.
Don't get me wrong, I made the paninis...they just had lost their luster. I blame bag chicken. By the time I had our "simple" dinner done, I had yelled at my husband, stained my BRAND NEW shirt, dropped a knife on my foot, and secretly had the fleeting thought to give away my dog. DISASTER. Making me hate thinking about dinner that much more.
I rant, only because I know I cant be the only one who has these issues. In fact after talking with my sweet sister, who works twice as hard as I do, has a toddler, lives in the middle of Houston, and whose husband's schedule is lets just say, complicated, I realize I am not alone!!! Why is this dinner thing so hard?
Even now, I am thinking about what we are going to eat tonight. ugh. Its just making me hungry. But I will keep trying, trying to keep my sanity and keep my family nourished. I have a feeling it will only get more complicated as life goes on. So, tonight, I will reconcile with myself and all my dinner issues to get a plan, make a plan, stick with the plan, and get at least 3 of the food groups on our dinner table sometime before 9:00! Wish me luck!
This question, seemingly simple has been haunting, plaguing, taunting, and downright overwhelming me for...gosh I don't even know how long. However, now that I am a wife and nourishing an infant inside, I have almost come to the conclusion that throwing my hands up in surrender is really the only option.
What's for dinner? Who knows? You? Any ideas? Anyone???
Almost as annoying as the "What am I going to wear?" question, the dinner gets a less annoying rank, only because it is necessary to live. Clothes, are well, necessary for me to live, but I don't think the general population (my husband included) would agree with clothes ranking OVER food. Unfortunately.
So, ya, especially now, that my every food choice has a direct relation to my sweet Annabelle I have become even more stressed on the matter. I have no idea WHAT'S FOR DINNER!!!!
Every day, I think, contemplate, weigh my options, explore the food chain, all as a part of my inner dialogue to try and discern what is calling me that evening. I realize a lot of this could be avoided, by meal planning, but I haven't quite figured that one out. So I go spur of the moment style, which I wouldn't recommend.
Last night, while B-dub was at a meeting, I thought ALL day, what I would make. I figured he would arrive home, hungry, not up to my usual debate on what we should eat, so I tried to take matters into my own hands and figure something out. The best I could come up with - based on my pantry supplies, was paninis. Fancy, I know. So I made my plan and off to the store I went. You must understand this store trip was much simpler than most, so I thought, I needed a rotisserie chicken, spinach, pesto, and orange juice (not for the paninis just for me). I made the rounds around 6:30ish to which I have found out, if you are in the market for a rotisserie chicken, is WAY to late. All that were left were the chicken in plastic baggie things, not nearly as appetizing as the pretty plastic cases they usually come in, and for some reason the sight of the plastic baggy chicken made me gag. So, I wandered, and wandered, and wandered, looking, pleading, hoping for some other inspiration to take a hold of me so I could avoid the plastic baggy chicken. 20 min later, I gave up. Held my breath and picked a plastic chicken.
Paninis it was. Final.
Then just as I was leaving the store, Sonic caught my eye. Whoever designed Sonic in visual proximity to the Kroger is just plain mean. I was parched and decided what a FUN treat Sonic would be to bring my hard working hubby as a little surprise after a long, hard day. I pulled in the line and ordered a small sprite (my pregnancy vice) and a Vanilla Dr. Pepper. When suddenly it hit me! EVERYTHING looked like a gourmet meal, from the chili cheese hamburger (let me just interject here and be the first to say how GROSS that is, I know its gross, that just added to my surprise) to the super sonic cheese tots, I have never wanted sonic so much in my life! Especially with the thought of plastic baggy chicken sitting in my car. I refrained, then complete temptation....instead of my sprite they brought fries, weird I know...but secretly every once of me wanted to keep the fries and eat every last one of them! I had a moment of self control, sent the fries back, and that was it, my dinner was officially ruined.
Don't get me wrong, I made the paninis...they just had lost their luster. I blame bag chicken. By the time I had our "simple" dinner done, I had yelled at my husband, stained my BRAND NEW shirt, dropped a knife on my foot, and secretly had the fleeting thought to give away my dog. DISASTER. Making me hate thinking about dinner that much more.
I rant, only because I know I cant be the only one who has these issues. In fact after talking with my sweet sister, who works twice as hard as I do, has a toddler, lives in the middle of Houston, and whose husband's schedule is lets just say, complicated, I realize I am not alone!!! Why is this dinner thing so hard?
Even now, I am thinking about what we are going to eat tonight. ugh. Its just making me hungry. But I will keep trying, trying to keep my sanity and keep my family nourished. I have a feeling it will only get more complicated as life goes on. So, tonight, I will reconcile with myself and all my dinner issues to get a plan, make a plan, stick with the plan, and get at least 3 of the food groups on our dinner table sometime before 9:00! Wish me luck!
Monday, September 13, 2010
There's No Place Like Home
Unless we are here...
Sitting Here...
Listening to these...
Eating LOTS of theses....
Our home away from home, New Hampshire, or what my mom likes to call "Yankee Land" has been the destination of many of the Jones Family vacations over the last 26 years of my life. We have moved up from the rusty old blue suburban we used to DRIVE, (yes you read that right DRIVE...non-stop, with 3 little girls, in case you are wondering it takes 3 days) to our destination. Now it is nothing less than miraculous getting the whole family up there at one time, making us almost wish for the ease and simplicity of the old suburban days. Between the 8 of us, 1 doctor's schedule, 7 full time working members, a toddler, and a machita :) it is quite the juggling act to get everyone up in the same 24-48 hour period.
This time however was a CANT MISS visit to the old dairy farm. We had the lucky chance to celebrate my Grandma Jones turning 85, complete with party, cake, and 3 hour long family slide show it was something that we just HAD to make.
Here comes Earl.
Ya, our least favorite friend this Labor Day weekend. Good ole Earl had us all glued to our televisions & computers way back when he was partying in the Caribbean, to see if any of us could accurately predict landfall, course, and strength of our uninvited party guest.
We went back and forth, made probably 50 phone call exchanges and decided we needed 4 alternate tickets to ensure we would all make it for the festivities to come! Never fear! Ole' Earl did not stand a chance against the forces we had pulling for us, one after another we all arrived, 3 airport trips over 24 hours and we all landed to celebrate our birthday girl.
The farm has a special place in the heart of each of us. As we grew up year after year visiting my dads old family home, we learned to milk a cow, learned to appreciate the smell of "cow caca", learned the taste of our Grandma's blueberry pancakes, and grew to call this home away from home -ours. Every year our visits change, sometimes slightly, like the year we decided it was NECESSARY to bring our deodorant on a hike up the Appalachian Trail (we were 15 & 13 & 11 don't judge), or the year we just had to stop at Abercrombie & Fitch in Boston before we left. To the somewhat dramatic, like the year we brought the first boy along, or the year we celebrated my engagement, to this year where we had Caris discover the "moo cows" and had little Annabelle along for her very first farm visit. The farm stays relatively the same. Simple. A place we can count on to sleep with the windows open, have coffee on the porch, where the only traffic in the morning is a milk truck coming to collect its supply, and where the sweet smell of mountain air fills our lungs. Perfect.
We love our home away from home and all that it means. We are so lucky to have a place we can call ours, that is above all the hustle of our everyday life, someplace where family is always close, where we grow our own tomatoes, where our kids can experience life the same that we experienced it, and our parents experienced it, and the legacy my grandparents have left with us.
So to our Birthday Girl....Happy 85th! Thank you for the what you have blessed us so richly with, thank you for our family.
Until next year!
Eating LOTS of theses....
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apologies for using all the pics from the same evening, that's what happens when we get a professional photographer 1 day of our life :) My Beautiful Grandma Jones! Happy 85th! |
This time however was a CANT MISS visit to the old dairy farm. We had the lucky chance to celebrate my Grandma Jones turning 85, complete with party, cake, and 3 hour long family slide show it was something that we just HAD to make.
Here comes Earl.
Ya, our least favorite friend this Labor Day weekend. Good ole Earl had us all glued to our televisions & computers way back when he was partying in the Caribbean, to see if any of us could accurately predict landfall, course, and strength of our uninvited party guest.
We went back and forth, made probably 50 phone call exchanges and decided we needed 4 alternate tickets to ensure we would all make it for the festivities to come! Never fear! Ole' Earl did not stand a chance against the forces we had pulling for us, one after another we all arrived, 3 airport trips over 24 hours and we all landed to celebrate our birthday girl.
The farm has a special place in the heart of each of us. As we grew up year after year visiting my dads old family home, we learned to milk a cow, learned to appreciate the smell of "cow caca", learned the taste of our Grandma's blueberry pancakes, and grew to call this home away from home -ours. Every year our visits change, sometimes slightly, like the year we decided it was NECESSARY to bring our deodorant on a hike up the Appalachian Trail (we were 15 & 13 & 11 don't judge), or the year we just had to stop at Abercrombie & Fitch in Boston before we left. To the somewhat dramatic, like the year we brought the first boy along, or the year we celebrated my engagement, to this year where we had Caris discover the "moo cows" and had little Annabelle along for her very first farm visit. The farm stays relatively the same. Simple. A place we can count on to sleep with the windows open, have coffee on the porch, where the only traffic in the morning is a milk truck coming to collect its supply, and where the sweet smell of mountain air fills our lungs. Perfect.
We love our home away from home and all that it means. We are so lucky to have a place we can call ours, that is above all the hustle of our everyday life, someplace where family is always close, where we grow our own tomatoes, where our kids can experience life the same that we experienced it, and our parents experienced it, and the legacy my grandparents have left with us.
So to our Birthday Girl....Happy 85th! Thank you for the what you have blessed us so richly with, thank you for our family.
Until next year!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Raindrops on Roses, and whiskers on kittens....
These are a few of my favorite things...
I had a whole other blog post in mind about my Labor Day weekend happenings. But due to lack of pictures, I have postponed! Promising to return soon, with our New Hampshire recap, complete with moo cows, blueberry pancakes, air port standings, and 2 hurricanes!
However, as I was pondering away at my desk, my little Annabelle started dancing away and instantly this song came to mind. This little popcorn popping, squirmy bounce in my belly has instantly topped the chart as a favorite.
Our little girl, has quickly become our little dancing girl as she dances her days away in my belly. The taps grow with each passing day and our girl has made us very aware that she is here and coming to play very soon! For those that aren't aware my B-dub has quite the dancing gene....something he would like to ignore 99.99% of the time. BUT his talents rival any dancing competitor and will beat a B List Celebrity in a contest any day!
I think our girl may taken to her daddy's dancing skills and inherited this little rhythmic trait.
At our last appointment we got to take a quick peek at our little one, mainly to check on things....but also to find out that our Squirm was our Annabelle. During our exam, our dancing girl shocked us all with her quick feet and constant need to wiggle and shake. In fact, our technician was so surprised she was moving her feet so much, she determined this was why I had been having a few little symptoms (ie. EXTRA, extra bathroom breaks) apparently Annabelle feels most comfortable when her dance floor is mommy's bladder. We tried to snap a pic of our little happy feet, and above was the best we could get due to her need to squirm around.
I am foreseeing lots and lots of daddy-daughter dances in our future. I have visions of my two loves skipping around the living room to any tune that suits their fancy as this tired mommy watches with joy in my heart. Another thing, I am sure that will top the list of favorites.
Cant wait to see what is next to come in our journey with you little girl. You are constantly keeping us guessing and entertained with each passing day.
I had a whole other blog post in mind about my Labor Day weekend happenings. But due to lack of pictures, I have postponed! Promising to return soon, with our New Hampshire recap, complete with moo cows, blueberry pancakes, air port standings, and 2 hurricanes!
However, as I was pondering away at my desk, my little Annabelle started dancing away and instantly this song came to mind. This little popcorn popping, squirmy bounce in my belly has instantly topped the chart as a favorite.
Our little girl, has quickly become our little dancing girl as she dances her days away in my belly. The taps grow with each passing day and our girl has made us very aware that she is here and coming to play very soon! For those that aren't aware my B-dub has quite the dancing gene....something he would like to ignore 99.99% of the time. BUT his talents rival any dancing competitor and will beat a B List Celebrity in a contest any day!
I think our girl may taken to her daddy's dancing skills and inherited this little rhythmic trait.
Happy Feet |
I am foreseeing lots and lots of daddy-daughter dances in our future. I have visions of my two loves skipping around the living room to any tune that suits their fancy as this tired mommy watches with joy in my heart. Another thing, I am sure that will top the list of favorites.
Cant wait to see what is next to come in our journey with you little girl. You are constantly keeping us guessing and entertained with each passing day.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Joys of Girlhood
Sweet Annabelle!
Oh the joy you bring! We are beside ourselves with so much joy and emotion over you it is hard to put into words. The instant we knew you were you, our life took a turn for the better. You make our day, every day. To say you are our miracle will be something you wont quite understand until you are experiencing what we are experiencing right this second. It is an indescribable joy I could have never fully understood until now. Every day we have with you is a gift we have been so blessed with. You little one, are our little girl.
Being a girl means you will be so many things to so many people. You will be a granddaughter, niece, cousin, sister, daughter, mother, friend, counselor, caretaker, listener, wife, and so much more. My heart is full thinking of all the things you are and will be. These are roles that I have had so much joy and privilege to take on and be a part of, I am honored to share them with you little one.
Oh the joy you bring! We are beside ourselves with so much joy and emotion over you it is hard to put into words. The instant we knew you were you, our life took a turn for the better. You make our day, every day. To say you are our miracle will be something you wont quite understand until you are experiencing what we are experiencing right this second. It is an indescribable joy I could have never fully understood until now. Every day we have with you is a gift we have been so blessed with. You little one, are our little girl.
Being a girl means you will be so many things to so many people. You will be a granddaughter, niece, cousin, sister, daughter, mother, friend, counselor, caretaker, listener, wife, and so much more. My heart is full thinking of all the things you are and will be. These are roles that I have had so much joy and privilege to take on and be a part of, I am honored to share them with you little one.
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camille, caris, Grandma Jones and me |
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all my sweet friends |
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the jones girls and little Caris |
The women in my life up to now have each been such an important part to who I am and what I hope to become. Now you are a part of this precious and tightly bound group. This circle of women is a circle that is filled with more love that you can begin to imagine. These women have loved you since the second they knew about you and will love you beyond what you can think. They are the ones buying you pink, loving on your mom, praying for you, celebrating you and waiting for you to make your arrival. They are yours now and you are theirs.
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Poppy, me, your daddy and Grandma White (Nana) |
A role I am humbled by, a role I cant wait to see you in, and a role you will find so much comfort in will be the role of your daddy's girl. Your daddy is the most amazing man you will ever meet. He is one I am so grateful you will call yours and the one I chose for you, and the one I have and prayed for since I was a little girl. You are so lucky to get to have him and I am honored to share this man that I love with the girl that will be ours. A daddy is one of the most special gifts you will ever have girl. You will be the apple of his eye and the joy in his step. He is already so protective of you little Annabelle, a protectiveness I know that will grow with each passing day. He is ready to conquer the world for you, and in your eyes he will. He will be your hero, your knight in shining armor, the one you will run to when you skin your knee, and the one that will comfort you when you have a broken heart. Your daddy will be yours. A sight this mommy cant wait to see. I am cherishing every single word that you and your daddy already share. He dotes on you night and day, plays you music, prays for you, loves on your mom, and watches over you. Annabelle you and I are so blessed by God to call him ours.
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Annabelle's first treat for her daddy (in case you cant read it, it says "i love daddy") |
We are looking forward to having you in our arms and are using this time we have now to prepare for the moment we meet you. You are forever our little girl.
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