Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mommy day

Today I decided to take a "mommy day"....after 3 very long work weeks/weekends my growing "anna"belly told me today I just couldn't go anymore.  I am 2 hours in, and I already feel better!  Whoever said a mental health day is just for your mental health, is just incorrect.  Annabelle and I are going to use our mommy daughter day to start our preparations for her arrival!  I CAN'T believe we are getting so close.  Panic and excitement have both set in a bit as we realize what all we need to get squared away for our little one's arrival.

Paint, bed, room, rocker, little Annabelle clothes, diapers, bottles are all swirling in my thoughts these days.  Making our little girl seem very, very real!  As if my growing belly wasn't enough to convince me that she is well on her way, all these things that will ready us for her arrival are making her seem like she will be here sooner than we know it!

We are officially at 117 days until Feb. 7th, and have a lot in store for these one hundred days.  We have birthdays to celebrate, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, our babymoon vacation, and lots of Annabelle fun in the coming days....really making each one of those 117 days really count.

So my mommy mission begins, I am ready to take on the challenge of making our little girl feel perfectly welcome in her new home.  My deepest desire is to have a place where our girl is wonderfully celebrated, where her learning is fostered and encouraged, where she can feel safe and have the will to explore and experience all things wonderful.  So as my vision expands from blank walls and Internet pages to a precious retreat for our family to grow together, I am ready!  Ready to take the next 117 days, and make something completely special for our Annabelle.  I am looking forward to every decision, every fabric, every trinket that will be the first visions to our new one.  We are so excited for you Annabelle, we cannot wait to share this home with you and for your arrival to make it complete!

Here is a small sneak peek into the new "digs" for AB!  This is the fabric we have (thanks to Grandma Machita and Grandpa JJ) ORDERED!!!  for her little crib.  We are loving the soft blues and coral we will see where we go from there.  This however is not her crib, we are still making our final decisions on that one...more to come!  And so the mommy day begins...wish us luck!

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