(small disclaimer, the images you are about to see are me, no makeup after a full day of work, feeling exhausted, please excuse the face, just focus your attention on the growing bump)
So, here we are 21 weeks in, my baby Annabelle is the size of a cantaloupe?!?! How crazy is that! My little cantaloupe is jumping around like crazy these days, constantly keeping me entertained and focused on trying to determine her little schedule she is on. She seems to love my morning drive, bath time, and eating. Apple (or in this case cantaloupe) doesn't fall too far from the tree it seems...
Our little AB has been on a growth spurt, through the produce isle...she has come a long way from my little poppy seed. And apparently her mom is budding along with the best of them, although I think you could categorize my growth more on the barn animal side of things rather than the produce aisle my Annabelle is experiencing. We have had a blast learning and growing together, it feels like I am in a new and exciting stage every single day. I get rounder, my belly button gets flatter, my clothes get tighter, all of which are embraced because I know that this growth is my precious girl.
We had our 20 week appointment last week, a day that we will forever hold in our hearts. We got to check on our girl, see her little nose, and try and envision what our little one will look like in 18 1/2 short weeks. She got a GREAT report, and even had all the sonogram technicians talking about how photogenic she was. They were complimenting on how well behaved she was while they were taking pictures of all her little parts, but I think they were implying she's pretty cute as well :). She was pretty relaxed in the belly that day, even resting both her arms behind her head, much like her daddy does when he sits back to relax. It was so cute seeing her recline away in her little home.
Here is our picture montage of our little growing one, first an outsiders point of view, then on to the main event! Enjoy!
Me 13 weeks 5 days, still suffering from nausea and exhaustion. Please forgive!
18 weeks here, cant really see the belly, but she's there! At the apple orchard in NH, I am showing off my Annabelle sized apple. Which I later ate and she enjoyed :)
19 weeks here, the belly in all its glory
20 weeks, I felt like we had a major growth spurt here!
Now for our sweet girl...all these were take at her 20 week photo shoot.
Our little Annabelle and her profile. We cant decide if she has mine or Bobby's nose, I am leaning towards his. But what is NOT up for debate, is the fact that she has my large forehead :) love it!
Foot, also a tribute to her daddy. Based solely on the fact that they dance away all day long! She seems to love to move!
Hi there! This is her sweet face! Cant wait to see you in my arms!
(her uncle Dr. G also says this is a GREAT pic of her little heart, which was beating away at 145 beats per minute)
Hi again! Couldn't pass on another little profile pic!
There you have it. Our progress!!
Annabelle and her mommy look great!!!