April 20th!!! What a day! Today we celebrate the birth of our favorite and only cousin! Caris Elizabeth is 2 today and Annabelle and I could not be more excited!
We love our cousin & niece and love how much she has taken to "her baby Elbow" (Caris first attempt trying to say Annabelle). Growing up with 2 sisters, I know how much fun it is to experience life with another girl in the family, we are so happy Caris is filling that big sister void for Annabelle, like her mommy did for me :) There is nothing like having a older, cooler girl to play with, test the waters on, and try and copy as much as possible! Caris, with the little girl you are shaping up to be, I am waiting in wonder at what Annabelle will learn from you!
Will she love your love for the purple hue? Copy your barnyard animal faces? Love you zest for chores? Inherit your love for anything that resembles a book? Want to at every waking moment watch Toy Story or Mary Poppins? Or simply just admire your movie star locks of hair?
Caris & Annabelle's first meeting, AB was in my belly :) |
Caris kissing baby Annabelle's toes |
The Cousins meet |
The snowman Caris built for Annabelle the day we came home from the hospital |
Our girls |
Even more of our girls |
Whatever your little union has in store for us, no doubt we are all in for a treat! So cheers to you BIG GIRL CARIS!!! We are so excited to celebrate your birthday with you and so excited that yours is the first Birthday Party our Annabelle will get to experience! I couldn't imagine anything better :)
Auntie TJ & baby Annabelle
Love this and love you guys!! Thank you. Your flowers were sure the hit yesterday :)