Friday, April 15, 2011

Now Annabelles Personal Success....

Also known as NAPS.....

Really I am speaking (or typing) out of turn a little here, but in a slightly failed attempt at an abbreviation for Naps....I am going to chalk our last 2 days as a success and speak into existence their permanence in our life.

Truly Annabelle deserves all the credit for this one, if it were up to me, I would hold her and rock her every moment of every day, but apparently that is not good for either of us, or so everyone tells me :)

At week 10, I am finally trying our hand at the self soothed naps.  No, I am still not letting her sit there and cry, in fact I crouch down below her bassinet and put my hand on her until she falls asleep, but either way she is soothing and technically laying by there you have it, my definition of self soothing.  BUT, so DOES it!  She for the past two days, at 2 different nap times, has put herself to sleep!  Unbelievable!  Truly Annabelle's Personal Success, because her mommy does not get the credit for this one.  If she wasn't capable or gave me the slightest sense she was uncomfortable, I would no doubt swoop in and start my favorite pastime of rocking.  But no, my girl is already showing me she is growing up and telling me, "hey mom, let me see if I can do this" and by golly...she does!  Way to go AB!  So there she sleeps, ever so peacefully in her little Target bassinet, that she prefers to any other fancy item I have gotten for her to sleep in, dreaming and listening to her personal favorite remix of Nora Jones, Coldplay Rockabye, and Amos Lee.

This is her happy place...

Sleep tight little girl!


  1. Way to go AB!! Give your mommy some sleep little one :)

  2. told you it all comes with time, it takes the two of you figuring it out together. no one knows like mommy knows. can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. kiss AB. the birth announcement, thanks so much!
