Friday, May 6, 2011

Confessions of a "stay at home" mom

SO, ya, I did it!  I took the plunge and quit my job!  I am still kind of in shock.  When my 12 weeks came up, it was a no brainer...I just could not leave my little one.  What also helped was my non-profit salary and 2 hr commute every day, both combined just didn't justify the cost of childcare.  So my life as a stay at home mom began....

To be honest I have never worked so hard in my life and never loved anything so much! However, I have quickly figured out that even though I cant think of how anything else could ever be squeezed into my day, I am nonetheless a bit unproductive... Hence my confessions....

I would like to say this will become a series on the good ole blog, but seeing as one of my confessions is not blogging - I wouldn't hold my breath. :)

I confess...

On Mondays Annabelle and I stay in bed until 11.  Dont judge it works for us!  We usually have very busy weekends, so Monday our "recover" days are spent snuggling and re-bonding with each other.  I must admit they are my favorite days.

I have only been to the grocery store once by myself since giving birth.  WHO do you ask has been doing the shopping, my precious B-dub, along with everything else...see confessions to come.

I have nice sweats, and every day sweats, and thats about it.

I have not lost all my baby weight.  Who knows when/if that day will come.

I cant figure out how to do more than one chore a day, seriously you would think I am home all day, why couldn't I at least clean the house...maybe see confession #1 ;)

I hold my baby when she naps, I know, spare me the lecture.  Its what I do.  I figure one day, she will be at college napping on her own, so I am enjoying my time with her.

Some days I cant remember if I brushed my teeth.

I still have thank you cards to write, not that I am not thankful. I am so thankful, I just haven't sat down and actually done it.

I have only cooked dinner 3 times since having AB, and once B-dub couldn't even eat it, it was so bad.

I let AB watch the real housewives of...(fill in the blank) I am addicted, hopefully it wont sink in to her too much.

I have never loved my husband more than I do now.  He is the perfect dad I always knew he would be, he just loves Annabelle so much, she is a lucky girl!

AB still sleeps in our room, and I sort of tear up to think that wont always be.  There is just something about having my family all together at night that brings peace to my heart

I love the paci and so does AB :)

I thought labor hurt, I have heard so many people say, you know it wasn't so bad...I beg to differ, but I would do it again in a heartbeat...

I check facebook way more than any one person should, but what else do you do when you nurse 8 times a day?

I like that I am the only one that can rock Annabelle to sleep.

I call the Dr for EVERYTHING...or make Bobby call.

I stare at Annabelle when she sleeps, I cant believe she is actually mine.

I will do anything to get a smile out of her, including but not limited to dancing around in my pj's clucking like a chicken, because she thinks its funny

I take drives to sonic on any given day just to get out of the house

Get nostalgic thinking about all the things Annabelle has already grown out of

Have a new appreciation for my mother

LOVE being Annabelle's mommy, love who she is and love that she acts and looks like her daddy

Love that I have no idea what I am doing most of the time, but love that Annabelle loves me anyway.


  1. My comment keeps disappearing! But I LOVE this blog. So glad you are enjoying your time home with Annabelle and proud of you for deciding to make it happen :)

  2. I'm pretty sure every. Single. One. Of these describes me. Right down to the one (IF one) chore a day thing and the letting caleb nap in my arms! I could care less about a nap schedule :). Love you friend! Let's be stay at home messes together!
